
Monday, March 18, 2013

Chick-fil-A: Still Funding Hate To The Tune Of $3.6 Million

It’s no secret that I am as fond of Chick-fil-A as I am of the Catholic Church, so this news comes as no surprise to me.

Last year, when all heck broke loose about Chick-fil-A and their support of anti-LGBT causes, and their basically anti-LGBT stance in their hiring process—they like to hire married people and since The Gays cannot marry, well …. —the company attempted to distance itself from its political record, saying they intended “to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena.”

Yeah, not so much, Chick-fil-Liar. See, those involved with the company, mostly marketing folks trying to save face, said that Chick-fil-A’s WinShape Foundation had scaled back its donations to anti-LGBT groups, a newly released IRS filing, for 2011, say something entirely different.

Most of the WinShape’s anti-LGBT donations in years past went to groups like the Marriage & Family Foundation—some$1,188,380 in 2010, the Fellowship Of Christian Athletes—$480,000 in 2010, and the National Christian Foundation—$247,500. WinShape made smaller donations to the “ex-gay” group Exodus International and to SPLC-certified Hate Group, the Family Research Council.

We were told that all that stopped after the brouhaha and the kiss-in’s and protests and such, but that’s not true. In 2011, WinShape actually gave even more money to anti-LGBT causes; it donated nearly $3,000 to the Marriage & Family Foundation, and gave the same amount to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and National Christian Foundation as it had in 2010. In total, the anti-LGBT spending by WinShape exceeded $3.6 million—nearly double the $1.9 million from the year before.


And while they say they gave no money to Exodus International or the FRC, a large amount of Chick-fil-A/WinShape money still made its way to those groups via the National Christian Foundation, who donated $4,100 to Exodus International and a staggering $1,260,040 to FRC. This was possible, in large part, because of the $247,500 it received directly from WinShape and because the WinShape-backed Marriage & Family Foundation also transferred nearly $900,000 to the group.

They still hate The Gays, and they still fund hate, and they aren’t even bothering to hide it, no matter what they say. So, is all that hate really worth a chicken sandwich?


  1. nope, my wallet is still closed to h8-fil-a-holes. and every time I drive by my local outlet, I give it the fickle finger of fate.

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I have yet to taste their food, and I likely never will.

  3. that's a lot of chickens!

  4. I know a white-wash job when I see one, I don't think we'll ever see them change, but I do see theirs sales bottoming out eventually...

  5. heh heh heh, wally said "bottoming out"

  6. I wish they would just stop the fodder, and just choke on their own chicken finally!They might enjoy it.

  7. They're still pandering to their target audience ... People Who Love Expensive Chicken Sandwiches More Than Their LGBT Brothers, Sisters, Neighbors and Friends.

    At this point, I'm more disgusted by their CUSTOMERS than I am by their gift-giving.

  8. Like the boy with his finger in the dam. There is no holding back history no matter how much hate they harbor.


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