
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mike Moroski Fired For Supporting Marriage Equality

Funny, earlier today I posted about teachers--and one in particular--who were doing the wrong thing by discriminating against gay students, and nothing happened, and now I have a tale about a man who spoke his mind for equality and lost his job.

Ah, America, the Land of Free Speech, unless…..

Mike Moroski, assistant principal at Purcell Marian High School, a Catholic school, was fired because he wrote a post on his blog in support of marriage equality.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati fired Moroski because, as they stated in his termination letter, he showed “poor judgment” and violated the teachings of the Catholic Church.

For something he wrote—which is his right, and his write—on his own time in his own space.

Moroski says he knew the firing was coming after he was asked to take down the post and refused to do so, but he also says he was following his conscience when he wrote about his support of same-sex marriage.

 “I put it up there because I really truly honestly believe it. I’m absolutely willing to lose my job over this. The only difficult thing for me now is the students.”

This isn’t the first time the archdiocese has fired people for voicing their opinions. In 2009, it Sister Louise Akers was suspended from teaching for publicly supporting the ordination of female priests, and in 2010, Christa Dias was fired from Holy Family and St. Lawrence Schools after she became pregnant.

So, they fire anyone who speaks their minds, who have an opinion, but the ones who rape children get a pass?

Your Catholic Church at work.


  1. Anonymous3:30 PM

    It just makes me so angry. Anyone
    can pop out a kid, you don't need a license for that, but my partner and I can't get married in PA or have a marriage recognized that was performed legitimately somewhere else. But, we have money to pay off the victims of Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse (rightly so) while the commonwealth of PA shovels hundreds of million$ to Penn $tate. You are so right when you say substitute black for gay or jewish for gay or poor for gay and you'd have lawyers tripping allover themselves to represent your rights. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    As long as I'm here, I love your blog. It's so enlightening and occasionally, like now, also enraging.

  2. With all the social media on the internet I fear everything is only going to get worse.

  3. It is Cincinnati. A place populated by a large colony of brachiosephalic web toed cretins. He's lucky he didn't get burned at the stake.

    Seriously, when our sister on law flew to Cincinnati for a tennis tournament, she kept grilling us on great places to eat, and we kept telling her, of all the places in Ohio, Cincinnati was the last place we would go.

  4. Ugh! That is all I can come up with.

  5. Catholicism is rooted in bigotry, homophobia, racism, and sexism. You can't call yourself a Catholic and pick and choose the parts you like and ignore the ones you don't. Religion isn't a buffet. If you aren't a homophobe, you shouldn't call yourself a Catholic, you shouldn't work in their schools, and you shouldn't be surprised about what happens when you voice an opinion that differs from them.

  6. Pope accused of molesting children, seeking immunity.

  7. Didn't know if anyone knew this or not, but Mr. Moroski's contract stated that he wasn't allowed to publicly disagree with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Knowing this, Mr. Moroski signed this contract, and then knowingly and willingly broke it. This is why he was fired.


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