
Friday, February 01, 2013

I Didn't Say It ....

Chris Hughes, openly gay Facebook co-founder, on Mark Zuckerberg's fundraiser for Chris Christie.:
"I, for one, have a lot of questions about Chris Christie, particularly because less than a year ago he vetoed a marriage equality bill in the New Jersey state legislature. Which for me personally, I got married to my husband last June, [it] was just really personally frustrating. I mean, there are tens of thousands of couples in New Jersey that can’t share their love and be recognized under the law because of that decision. I’m not a single issue voter, and I think most people aren’t either, but for me personally, it would raise serious concerns about supporting someone like him." 

I imagine Christie will suddenly have a change of heart about this issue as he runs for the White House in 2016, though he won’t do anything about it in New Jersey.

Tony Perkins, on the Pentagon lifting the ban on women in combat:
"In another triumph of political correctness over common sense, the Pentagon is lifting its ban on women in combat and direct combat units. Senior officials leaked the news yesterday during the House's Benghazi hearings, making the timing even more suspect. If Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was hoping to distract the country from Hillary Clinton's Libyan testimony, he succeeded. According to leaders, even Congress wasn't warned. Much like the plan to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' the risks of this integration (physical stamina and injury, emotional stress, sexual assault, pregnancy, adultery, unit readiness, family breakdown) seem secondary to the administration's liberal agenda. How much national security is our President willing to forgo to promote this kind of progressive feminism?"

Progressive feminism? Backdooring the policy to take our minds off Benghazi?
Perkins never met a conspiracy he didn’t want to foster

Gary Bauer, former GOP presidential candidate, on the GOP never ever supporting marriage equality:
"Virtually all the candidates that competed for the GOP nomination this cycle supported traditional marriage. The party platform unambiguously did, also.  I think that will be the case again in 2016.  Any drift in the GOP is minor compared to the all-out push that the president is making on this issue, even mentioning it in his Inaugural address.  To the extent that young people, including growing numbers of young Christians support same-sex 'marriage,' it’s not a failure of the GOP, it is a failure of the culture and the church."

No, it’s a failure of the GOP not to be aware that times are changing, that opinions are changing, that more and more people realize that same-sex marriage hurts no one.
The GOP doesn’t get it, and won’t get it, and will find that outdated notion of “traditional” marriage—which does not exist—to be their undoing.

Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League president, responding to right-wing claims that President Obama's executive orders on gun control are reminiscent of Hitler and Stalin:
"We know that the national debate over gun control is one of the most divisive issues in the land, and while Americans are entitled to have strong opinions, there is also language that is inappropriate and offensive in any such discussion. The idea that supporters of gun control are doing something akin to what Hitler’s Germany did to strip citizens of guns in the run-up to the Second World War is historically inaccurate and offensive, especially to Holocaust survivors and their families." 

Hard to have an intelligent dialogue when the other side keeps saying you’re Hitler.
You want a gun, have a gun. You want an assault weapon, emphasis on assault, I think we should talk.

Salvatore Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, going crazy on The Gays and marriage:
"Fighting for marriage is our way of loving God, and the struggle is the particular gift that God has given our generation. This is our particular trial, and by overcoming it we may achieve spiritual greatness. It will entail suffering if we are to oppose gay marriage, something which poses such destruction to the understanding of natural marriage, which is a child-oriented institution. Legislating for the right for people of the same sex to marry is like legalising male breastfeeding." 

Huh? Cordileone, who was arrested last year for driving drunk, seems to be nipping at the Sacramental Wine here. I mean, The Gays are pedophiles, I’ve heard before; homosexual marriage will lead to man on dog marriage, I’ve read about.
But, um, same-sex marriage and male breastfeeding?
Um, Archbishop DrunkAss? One of those things is impossible, and the other is entirely possible, and, in fact, is happening all over the world.
Set down the box of wine. Now.

Tony Perkins, again, grrl loves to talk, on the Boy Scouts change of heart regarding The Gays:
"Can they honestly tell parents that entrusting little boys to men with same-sex attractions is somehow going to reduce the incidence of child sexual abuse? Or is the motivation closure? Because anyone who's been a target of homosexual activists understands: there is no appeasing them. This struggle won't end until there is a national policy eliminating any and all standards of morality. If the Scouts go down this path, before the ink is even dry on this decision, there will be demands to represent and celebrate homosexuality in the Scouts' curriculum, hiring policy, camping arrangements, merit badges, jamboree programming, and a host of other traditions. All these bullies need to topple a 2.9 million-member organization is a foothold. And a naive BSA headquarters is dangerously close to giving them one."

Tony, you moron, the majority of pedophiles are straight men, a category into which you fall. ALLEGEDLY.
And The Gays aren’t asking to be celebrated, we asking to be treated equally.

Bobby Jindal, Louisiana governor, speaking at the winter meeting of the Republican National Committee:
"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults.  We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."

Jindal says that now because he, too, is positioning himself for a run at the White House, but shall we wager how fast he goes back to being leader of the Stupid Party the closer he gets to running and the more he hears from the Teabaggers that they don’t like his newfound centrist faith?

Doug Mainwaring, conservative homosexual writer:
"For a long time I thought, if I could just find the right partner, we could raise my kids together, but it became increasingly apparent to me, even if I found somebody else exactly like me, who loved my kids as much as I do, there would still be a gaping hole in their lives because they need a mom. I don't want to see children being engineered for same-sex couples where there is either a mom missing or a dad missing. Somebody needs to stand up for the rights and needs of children in an age when the selfishness of adults seems to be trumping those rights."

So, Doug, should we pull kids from the homes of single parents then, too? Should we outlaw divorce so that no home ever becomes a single=parent household? Just because you, in your limited world-view, think that two men, or two women, or a single man or women, cannot raise and nurture a child, shows how much your children will suffer at the hands of someone so backwards thinking. I wonder if you shouldn’t just find a nice straight couple and give your children to them…?

Hillary Clinton, on leaving the Obama administration:
"I hope I get to sleep in. It will be the first time in many years. I have no office to go to, no schedule to keep, no work to do. That will probably last a few days then I will be up and going with my new projects. I have been working or attending school full-time since I was 13. This is going to be new for me. I don't know how I'm going to react to it, to be honest." 

Rest up, Madame Secretary, because in 2017 you’ll have a country to run.


  1. Dating myself... the ERA movement and the draft for the Vietnam war were going on at the same time when I was in high school. They told us that passing the ERA would result in girls being drafted and sent to Vietnam. That was scary.
    In a voluntary military it is a different proposition and happening already.

  2. Wait! What? Male breastfeeding is against the law? I thought it just didn't work!

  3. Uh, Bob. That comment on Hillary Clinton should be "Rest up, Madame Secretary, because in 2015 you’ll have a country to run. 2017, it will be too late.

    And PS - Any Republican who has the strength and conviction to stand up to special interests is a sitting duck. The Southern Baptist Mafia and Tea Party that control local Republican steering parties will have none of that. So you are spot on with Jindal.

  4. Contrary to popular belief, many men CAN breastfeed, and in some african tribes, the men share in the chore of breastfeeding.

    Is there any way of preventing that Perkins id10t from making comments on things he just doesnt understand? sigh.....

    And that Doug character is a fail.

  5. Foxman and Clinton really showed everyone how to handle situations with class and dignity, without sacrificing, in translation to words, the potency of a severe lashing or ass beating. When you can pack so much power into words it is pure beuty.


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