
Friday, January 18, 2013

I Didn't Say It ....

Jodie Foster, coming out:
“I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago, back in the Stone Age. In those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends, and family, coworkers and then gradually, proudly, to everyone who knew her. To everyone she actually met. But now, apparently I'm told, that every celebrity is expected to honor the details of their private life with a press conference, a fragrance and a primetime reality show. You guys might be surprised, but I'm not Honey Boo Boo child....If you had been a public figure since the time you were a toddler, if you had to fight for a life that felt real and honest and normal against all odds, then maybe you too would value privacy above all else.”

Okay, this is for all those people--and there were many--who asked, Did Jodie come out? Um, yeah. “I already did my coming out…” sums that up.
And for those of you who questioned why someone would speak of privacy on an awards show in front of millions, she wasn’t explaining that she wanted privacy, she was explaining why she wanted it all those years.

Lawrence O'Donnell, on the ejection of Reverend Louie Giglio from the inauguration, over what he says it says in the Bible about gay people, as well as the use of the Bible at the inauguration ceremony:
“This time, as it was last time for the first time in history, the book will be held by a First Lady who is a descendent of slaves. But the holy book she will be holding does not contain one word of God condemning slavery. Not one word. But that same book, which spends hundreds and hundreds of pages condemning all sorts of things and couldn’t find one sentence in here to condemn slavery, does indeed manage to find the space to repeatedly condemn gay people, as the now banished Louie Giglio says it does."

Isn’t it funny what people find to quote in the Bible when it suits their “issue,” while ignoring page after page of other quotes for which they have no use?

Pat Brady, Illinois GOP chairman, on calls for his resignation after endorsing same-sex marriage:
"If people want to throw me out because I took a stand on an issue of discrimination [as] the chairman of the Republican Party, the party founded by Abraham Lincoln, then that’s – that’s up to them and they’re free to do it. But I’m not backing down."

It’s time, GOP, and it’s time, conservatives. It’s time to stop discrimination. You can believe whatever religious belief you choose, but you cannot use your ‘religion’ as a tool to enact laws that discriminate.

James Yeager, the CEO of a Tennessee-based gun company, on what he'll do if President Obama tries to limit arms ownership: 
“I'm not fucking putting up with this. I am not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I'm not letting anybody take my guns. If it goes one inch further, I'm gonna start killing people."

And this is why we need gun control, and background checks.

Andrew Rannells, star of The New Normal, on, um, how 'gay' he is:
"I personally have never had sex with a woman. I'm more of what you call gold-star gay. I'm purebred. So I knew it wasn't my thing, so I was like, Why do that? So I didn't." [he then explains his use of the word 'purebred'] "In my circle of friends, it's used. Like, 'Andrew, he's a purebred.' Yeah...I feel like I'm in the minority for a lot of gay men."

Well, looky there, I’m a purebred, gold-star gay.
Do I get a ribbon, or a plaque?

Larry Ward, chairman of Gun Appreciation Day:
"I believe that Gun Appreciation Day honors the legacy of Dr. King. The truth is, I think Martin Luther King would agree with me if he were alive today that if African Americans had been given the right to keep and bear arms from day one of the country’s founding, perhaps slavery might not have been a chapter in our history. And I believe wholeheartedly that’s essential to liberty.”

Yes, if African Americans had been armed maybe they wouldn’t have been slaves; they might only have been corpses, shot to death by slave traders.
The solution to gun violence is not more guns.
That’s like saying the solution to drunk driving is allowing more drunks to drive.

Lady Gaga, on Kelly Osbourne being a fashion critic:
"Your work on E! with the Fashion Police is rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people’s beauty against one another. 'Appearance”' is the most used reason for bullying in the world. Your show breeds negativity, and over the years has even become comedic in nature..."

Funny how Gaga can critique Kelly Osbourne for Osbourne’s critiques of fashion.

Sharon Osbourne, Kelly’s mother, fights back:
"Your open letter is hypocritical and full of contradictions...Example, when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn't you be teaching your 'little monster' fans to respect animals and life?"

And just this week, after the Sandy Hook shooting, Gaga appeared onstage in a bra with two assault weapon cups. Respect for life.
Gaga is about getting attention for Gaga, hence meat dresses and wacky costumes. Gun bras. It’s show. You cannot take what she says seriously because in about a minute she’ll be on to something else so people will talk about her.

Matt Barber, Liberty Council hate group leader, predicting a civil war if machine guns are outlawed:
"No one’s taking my guns either. Period. And if Dianne Feinstein orders me from her lofty perch on the left-coast to retroactively register them with some federal autocracy, I think I might just forget I even have them. Tens of millions of law-abiding, God fearing Americans just like me and Dad, I suspect, feel the same way. I love guns. Grew up with ‘em. As a former police officer with 12 years in the U.S. military, I know how to use them, too – use them well. I plan to buy more – a bunch more. In fact, who’s to say I don’t already have a veritable arsenal? Point is, tain’t Big Brother Barack’s nor any other candy-keistered-liberal-cream-puff’s bloody business whether I do or not."

And, again, this is the problem.
No one is saying you can’t have a gun. Or guns, you delusional fool. They are saying that assault weapons are wrong, and should be outlawed for the average citizen. And the fact that you want to combat this by buying more guns and creating a larger arsenal shows just how foolish you are.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Yeah! No Lilo!

  2. now I'm worried about LiLo - she's never out of trouble this long!

  3. She'll be here tomorrow!

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    People like Matt Barber and James Yeager are the reason why we call them gun nuts. They ARE the problem.

  5. I was wondering why people were saying "Did she come out?" it was pretty clear to me

  6. Back in my hometown of Marion Ohio a newly elected county commissioner by the name of Josh Daniels liked to brag that he kept a loaded shot gun by his bed. One night he woke up, he heard a noise, grabbed his loaded shot gun and fired. What he didn't realize that his wife, who had gotten up to go to the bathroom was the one who made the noise. Thankfully, she lived, but she was loaded with buckshot. And he he didn't win reelection when his term came due.

  7. I guess I'm one of "all those people" you mentioned. Jodie saying "I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago" doesn't cut it. Came out as what? A left-hander? A capricorn? A Republican? What, Jodie, what?! Your coyness isn't cute. Just say it!

  8. Wow! I thought it was just me that thought Gaga would do/say/wear anything, but was for nothing but herself.

    Pat Brady, hes the type of republican that we need to clone more of. Someone that realizes that discrimination is never right, never!

    Yes, you get a ribbon, a plaque and a star on the walk of gay fame!

  9. These gun "supporters" demonstrate why we need tighter gun control every time they open their mouths!


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