
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another One: Jadin Bell

Jadin Bell, an Oregon teenager, was another one of those kids, targeted for being gay, or perhaps just seeming to be gay—whatever that means—until he got to a point where he could no longer take it. So he went to the playground of Central Elementary School in La Grande, climbed to the top of a play structure, and hanged himself.

A passerby saw his body and tried rescuing him; Jadin was taken to Portland and Doernbecher Children's Hospital where he was put on life support. Over the weekend, doctors detected little brain activity and the family decided to take him off life support.
"If someone was down and out he would walk into a room and say a couple quick words and everybody would just forget about their problems and smile. He just had a gift…. He was different, and they tend to pick on the different ones."--Bud Hill, family friend.
Why is ‘different’ so bad, and what is ‘different’? If only these kids could survive these harsh years they would come to realize that it’s the ‘different’ kids who grow up to be something special, who grow up understanding different and what it means to be different.

Hill says Jadin asked his parents to home school him because he was afraid the bullying—online and in person—was just going to get worse, but ultimately, he decided he might be able to withstand it.

 The school district says it was in the process of investigating when Jadin tried to end his life, but how long does it take? If the bullying is online, there is evidence of it; if the bullying is personal there had to have been witnesses. Those bullies should be taken, arrested and prosecuted for causing the death of Jadin Bell; for causing the deaths of so many….

Some 200 people, including family members and classmates, turned out at a candlelight vigil for Jadin, where he was remembered as an outgoing member of the La Grande High School cheerleading squad and a gentle, caring friend. But, again, not one of those people saw anything? Not one of those people came forward and gave the names of the bullies? If we don’t remove the bullies and the bullying from schools, all we’ll be taking out of schools will be kids in body bags.
"He is amazingly sensitive. If he saw a wounded butterfly [as a child] he wanted to heal it ... He is an amazing young man who is smart and very social; he has a persona and a presence that you want to be a part of."—his friend, Jody Bullock.
And now he’s gone, because he was ‘different’. How long do we let this go on? How long before we decide to prosecute the bullies for literally taunting someone to death? This isn’t child’s play, nor is it kids being kids. This is berating, pushing, shoving, name-calling, harassing, online torture, kicking, spitting on young kids because they don’t fit into what some delusional bully with too much time on his hands finds ‘normal.’

To me, Jadin Bell was the normal one, and those kids who bullied him online and in person are the ones who aren’t normal. They’re the problem and we need to start dealing with the problem.


  1. jesus h. christ. another loss. :(

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    We can speculate on why Jadin made the decision he did but that won't change the outcome. Teens everywhere gay, curious, or straight, face the same challenges. Jadin reminds us that the worst weapon against our progress is silence. The media exploits this story now for ratings, but the conversation must continue. We leave Jadin in God's hands, not knowing all the answers. Only that God's hand is leading us and His love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord

  3. I just want the people who made him feel like this to go through the same type of mental anguish so they can see how it feels.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. The world needs more butterflies like Jadin Bell.

    It's so sad.

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    He was one of my closest friends.
    He has the most beautiful soul. He was obnoxious and fabulous and hell, the most straight forward person I have ever known. People in my town are old fashion. They don't like the idea of some one being different then others. The Internet and adults tell us to be our selves and no let anyone get to us, sticks and stones may break my bones and all that. But it's not really the way it works. If you look around, your going to see it. If you see someone's dressed different then others you'll think something. If they are openly gay? Hell you'll probably say something. But just remember one thing. Think of how if your son or daughter or best friend or neighbor was being bullied. You would stand up for them. So why don't we make a promise to do that for everyone. If you see someone hurting say I love you to them. Or even smile. One tiny little gesture that shows you care can save a life. I'm only wishing I did that when I had a chance.

  7. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Two people within the last three months committed suicide.. all three in lagrande... it scares me because who knows union where i live is very close to lg.... and what if some student in union commites... :(

  8. Anonymous2:40 AM

    I am from La Grande and went to school here and this is just so heart breaking! Something needs to be done and as a previous student I believe most employees in the school system in La Grande need to wake up and do something!! Its so frustrating that everyone in this town don't believe a small town like has problems. They do and another innocent life has been taken. Please give these schools training to recognize signs and make these staff accountable for stopping bullying!


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