
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday ........ Not Funny


  1. Unfortunately a great collection this week.

  2. The cartoons really make their point. The ones with the woman hugging the children and the NRA guy hugging his gun tells it all on the divide among people in this country.
    Sad that we have to have a debate on this because LaPierre was way out of line with his comments on Friday.
    Arming teachers or putting a guard in schools is NOT the answer.
    Good post as always in the Sunday (not) Funnies, Bob.

  3. Reassuring to see such eloquent evidence of sane thinking after the horror. Here's fervently wishing enough power to such people in your country to sway everyone into making a REAL difference this time.

  4. These cartoons are worth a thousand words.


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