
Friday, December 07, 2012

PR All-St★rs 2, EP 6: It Ain't Easy Going Green .... or .... Someone Took The "High" Line Too Literally

Okay, so this week was about the Green. No, silly, not the green you get if you win, but green, man. Eco-fabrics! Environmentally kind textiles.
Too bad the some of the designs were so awful, the Earth decided to speed up that whole global warming thing.
Let's rip ... and I'm keeping it short because this episode really didn't keep me glued to my TV.....
It was pretty. And safe. And kind of a 'Meh'.
But I so would have enjoyed more of Joshua backstage because he gets so pissy when he's safe. I mean, he seriously thinks he's a talented designer,
I think someone has been inhaling too much hairspray in the AM.
He was safe because there was so much crap out there last night, but this dress looks like one of those double-sided quilts one gets in a Bed-In-A-Bag that was hauled out from the bottom of the Bargain Bin at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
It was beyond, all right.
This was a case of Too Much Ego and Not Enough Talent or Time. he figured he'd won twice and both times he used bold colors and the judges loved them, so ... Bold Color. Win.
Not so much.
It was a gorgeous color, but that unfinished hem and the see-through to the foundation business? Emilio will still go to The Tents but he'll have a hard time living this thing down; I think even Audra MacDonald might think twice before having him design for her again.
WTF was that whole "my fabric looks like the Sun and a woman on the Red Carpet wants to be a star." Make some sense, girl. And, also, maybe, try making a dress that doesn't look like it had the sh*t beat out of it by a four-year-old Laotian girl, who makes six-cents and a bowl of Miso soup a day in the factory.
Seriously, I think Mean Ivy showed up and tortured that textile. And WTF was that thing hanging off the side? It looked like the dress was unraveling.
Consider yourself lucky that Althea went insane before she picked a fabric, sketched and sat down at a Singer.
WTF was that fabric? I mean, i love a good polka dot, even a two-sided polka-dot, but just because it has two sides doesn't mean you have to use two sides.
Grandma stitched a better quilt than this during the Depression.
i knew it wasn't good when she said she designed dresses for the Kardashians; that says volumes about your taste level. Plus, when you're the losing designer and you still get the basically Invisible Edit? Not good.
Get out!
Okay, I liked it, even with the garbage heap of feathers and trims and embellishments. She chose wisely by not making it a long gown, because then it would have looked a little Hefty Lawn and Garden Bag™ filled with Dead Birds and Safety Pins.
And that's not a good look.

I liked it.
Quiet. Different. Though I agreed with DVF that there was a wee bit too much fabric in that gown. Plus, it kinda reminded of the sheet I wore to see Animal House on Toga Party Friday back in the day.
Except mine was white and that color was annoying. Plus, each step the model took was a glimpse into PantyLand. Anthony Ryan hasn't had a serious misstep, so I'm keeping fingers crossed that he gets to The Tents.
I so wanted her to lose this challenge because she worships at the Altar of DVF [Diane Von Furstenberg] and just had to nail this one. And, since she knows all about DVF she must have known DVF would wet herself over a "pajama palazzo" and so that's what she did.
i didn't like the fabric, and it looked less Red Carpet than it did Liz Taylor on a yacht in the 70s--the real Liz, nit the Lindsay Liz.
She may have won, but this tent-looking mess will be as close as she gets to The Tents.
Fingers crossed.
The designers seemed to sleepwalk through this challenge, so that made the editors sleepwalk, too.
It was seriously boring. Seriously uninteresting. And made all the more so because Pajama Palazzo won.
Plus, you just know that Not-Heidi, AKA Carolyn Murphy went backstage and Godzilla'd the set for having offered to wear any of those designs on the Red Carpet. Last I heard she was having a scarlet rug laid down in the hallway of her home, and that's where she was wearing Laura's mess, er, dress.
Next week, the designers decorate a Christmas Tree that Isaac will wear to the Lifetime office Christmas Party.
What did YOU think?


  1. Red carpet looks and eco-friendly plaid?? Each one is fine on its own but together? Seriously!
    The best part was the walk along the Highline.

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    DVF own any other outfit? This is the third time she has been on the show in the same outfit. She also wore it on another show (I forget which) and Rosie wore it on here show - LAST YEAR!

    Hey Joan - Who wore it best?

  3. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I think Uli should have won, Anthony Ryan was in the top three because the rest of the designs were utter crap -- sorry, but unflattering isn't a strong enough word for the biggest collection of ho-hum designs I've seen in a long time.

    Hopefully next week we'll see better designs.

  4. There's a really good reasy why fashion isn't always "green". Apparently, "green" is quite ugly. An AWFUL challenge.


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