
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Just For Fun .... Kaption These:

Apparently, Kim Kash Kow Kardashian, clothing designer, serial bride, media whore and pron star, has come up with a lingerie line and the pictures are a hoot.
Her lips look more jacked than Lohan's and she's been photo-shopped to within a foot of her ginormous ass.
So, come up with some good KimKaptions:
Not so much a Come-Hither-Just-Had-Sex look,
as it is a Just Been Gangbanged By Cellblock 4 look.
Rebecca Of Crazybrook Farm.
But Geppetto, I wanna be a real girl.
There's more plastic here than a Lego factory..


  1. A hat. A hat is de rigueur for prancing around in your undies.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Hey, boys. Come take a look at what everyone's had at least once.

  3. #1 - this belongs to kanye west for the next 15 seconds.

    #3 - LiLo ain't got nuthin on this bitch!

  4. I can't think of any captions for this self promoting narcissist. I have never seen anyone so in love with themselves that this broad. I most of these pics she looks like a 1970's porn star.


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