
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Programming Note

There will be no posts today, other than this brief note.
Our cat, Tallulah, was diagnosed with cancer yesterday, and has two large tumors on her kidneys, making any kind of surgery nearly impossible. So, we've made that awful decision, again, to do what's best for her, and what's horrible for us, and let her go before she gets worse.
She's a great cat .....


  1. I'm very sorry to hear. I know she was loved and will take that love with her on her next journey. xoxoxo

  2. I am sorry for your loss. It is never easy when they leave us. ((HHUUGGGSS)) to you all.

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I'm so sorry.

  4. What absolutely horrible news. Deepest sympathy to you and to those who will likewise miss her. I know that when one of my furry friends goes I'm going to feel quite as gutted as you must be feeling now. My thoughts are with you, with gratitude for the happiness that she must have brought you. R.I.P., Beautiful.

  5. My thoughts are with you today...

  6. deep sympathy. take whatever time you need.

  7. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Oh no! I'm sorry for Tallulah Belle, Carlos & you. This is horrible. My thoughts are with all of you. It's never easy when a loved pet moves on.

  8. Bob and Carlos, I'm so sorry. It's never easy. Sending you big hugs, my friend.

  9. So so sorry to hear this. Hang in there.


  10. been there this year, honey, so I understand.

    what a pretty girl; RIP, sweet kitty.

    {{{{{hugs}}}}} to you and carlos; my thoughts are with you today.

  11. I'm so so sorry. Pets are the best humans ever made.

    hugs and comforting pats

  12. my love to you and Carlos. When your animals are family (as they should be) it is so hard to say goodbye. Hugs to you both...

  13. Sorry to hear about your cat... that is hard.

  14. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sorry to hear about Tallulah. Yes, it's difficult to lose a pet.

    But having three cats die in the space of a year I've become more pragmatic about it. At the first sign of big trouble - euthanize. Save yourself the turmoil.

  15. Oh, so sorry. It's one of the hardest things to do. I know some people think mourning a cat is silly, but they become such a part of our lives. My condolences.

  16. with kitty we had to make a similar decision- and it was harder then i ever imagined it to be- thinking of you and carlos tonight.


  17. Dear Bob and Carlos, I'm so sorry to hear this. Be strong.

  18. These are some of the toughest days of our lives...

    My Sympathies.

  19. Sweetie, hugs to you on your loss. And another hug for making a decision that no pet lover ever wants to make.

    She was a lucky girl. You did what was best for her. God bless you both.

  20. Shelby and I are thinking of you and Carlos....

  21. Oh Bob, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you. Just remember how lucky she was to have a home with you and Carlos.

  22. How adorable she is.

    The hardest thing to do is the right thing.

  23. She is a beautiful cat, and nothing is harder than saying goodbye. I hope you and Carlos are doing ok....

  24. She was loved and you gave her a family to remember


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