
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Pennsylvania Judge Halts Enforcement Of Voter ID Law

Well, well, well, it looks like the GOP is getting the smackdown it deserves, at least in Pennsylvania.
A judge up there is postponing the state's tough new voter identification requirement, ordering that it not be enforced in the presidential election this year, though an appeal is possible, however.
A lot of "initials' groups, like the DNC, the AARP, and the NAACP, worked tirelessly in opposition to the voter ID law that Republicans said was "necessary" to prevent election fraud--even though they had no problem with ALLEGED voter fraud when Bush was elected. The law became even more of a hot button issue when a top Republican lawmaker boasted that it would allow Mitt Romney to beat President Barack Obama in Pennsylvania.
The height of stupidity.
But that's the GOP. When they stole the presidency in 2000, they said nothing about voter fraud, because it wasn't an issue; when Bush won in 2004, they said nothing because their man won. But now, with a Democrat, and, a black man, in the White House, suddenly voter fraud is the biggest issue.
Well, not in Pennsylvania, at least pending appeal.


  1. I was so happy to hear this

  2. WiseFather12:04 PM

    That's great for PA, but voters in Florida (even ones with ID) might still be screwed. Florida has a horrific defect in its voter challenge law that is not getting enough attention. If a paranoid poll watcher sees that you have a different haircut than the picture on your ID, they can challenge you. An honest election judge does NOT have the power to call bullsh*t: you must vote a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are not "counted" on election night and are not adequately estimated when the media "calls" the election in the state. See for a fuller description.

  3. This is all so weird in a vote by mail state.

  4. ah, but come next year we will HAVE to produce an ID to vote.

    can't wait to vote the entire MFing PA house and senate and governor outta office!


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