
Friday, October 05, 2012

I Didn't Say It ....

Dan Savage, on Tony Perkins and the FRC and LGBT suicides:
"Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council—First of all, they tell, Tony Perkins tells parents whose kids come out to reject them. Tony Perkins tells the parents of queer kids to do what Tony Perkins damn well knows drives those kids to suicide—doubles their already quadruple rate of suicide. Why would someone who calls themselves a Christian do that? Because every dead gay kid is a victory for the Family Research Council. They argue that the gay lifestyle is sick and sinful and dangerous and they point to the suicide rate, and then they turn around and do everything in their power to make sure that suicide rate does not come down and to drive it up. Tony Perkins sits on a pile of dead gay kids every day when he goes to work—and he calls himself a Christian. I don’t understand how real Christians let that little fucker get away with that."

As usual, Dan doesn’t mince words, and as usual, he’s right.
I don’t care if you think being gay is wrong, or being gay is a sin, or being gay is a One Way Direct Flight to Hell, but when you keep saying that, all the while praising yourself as a good Christian, and you watch young LGBT youth kill themselves rather than live in a world of hate, you are not of God.
You are disgusting. You are to blame.

Harry Jackson, “Bishop,” who says he prayed a newspaper into bankruptcy:
"One night I walked past one of those newsstands. As I was walking past it, I looked at that newsstand and they had some article about same-sex marriage and all that blasphemous stuff. And I laid hands on that newsstand and I said, 'In the name of Jesus, I CURSE THIS PAPER!' Less than two months, that paper went bankrupt. It was part of a six-newspaper chain! It went bankrupt! It went out of business! IT WENT UNDER! It did!"

It appears that Harry was taking about the Washington Blade, which did file for bankruptcy, but then resurrected itself and remains in business three years after Jackson's failed "curse." 
But, this begs a bigger question, if Harry Jackson’s prayers are answered why are gay folks still here? Why are they still getting married in DC?
Why is Obama still president?

Ann Romney, putting another nail in Mittsy’s chances of being elected:
"You know, I think my biggest concern, obviously, would just be for his mental well-being....I have all the confidence in the world in his ability, in his decisiveness and his leadership skills, in his understanding of the economy, in his understanding of what's missing right now in the economy - you know, pieces that are missing to get this jumpstarted. So for me I think it would just be the emotional part of it."

Seriously? Is she saying he can do the job, that he has the skills necessary to do the job, that he’s the best man for the job, but he’s just not emotionally prepared to do it?
Wow. For once I agree with Ann; her husband is not now, nor ever will be, emotionally equipped to lead this country.

Maggie Gallagher, on marriage equality:
"If marriage really were dead, people would not respond so powerfully to the idea that marriage matters because children need their mom and dad. If you despair, I respect that, but why try to get others who have hope to despair? Do the things for which you have hope. But you may be wrong about the future. Do not discourage others who have hope from acting on it.  Our 'traditional' view of marriage was won by the Church over several hundred years of argument with pagan philosophers. What we did once, we can do again."

No, Maggie, you can’t do it again, because we no longer live in the Dark Ages where your kind of fear mongering pays off.
You’re on the wrong side, Maggie, so best for you just to sit down and be quiet.

Matt Barnes, Los Angeles Clipper forward, apologizing for using a gay slur [f**king faggot] against a police officer who arrested him last year:
"I would like to apologize for the unfortunate language I used.  I know that certain words are extremely hurtful. I meant absolutely no disrespect to anyone.  This comment, spoken in the heat of a difficult moment, does not accurately reflect my actual point of view."

Um, Matt, asshat? If you know certain words are hurtful, then why do you use them? And you did disrespect a group of people, and, well, if the words fall from your lips in the heat of the moment that means the words are always in your head.
You meant it; you’re just trying to save face for getting caught.
Try this apology, next time, and I’m sure there will be a next time: “I’m sorry to be such a dick. I am going to work to erase that word from my brain. I will never, ever, say that word again. I’m sorry, I’m a dick.”

Madeleine Albright, on Mitt Romney:
"He is so two-dimensional. I mean, up close and personal, there's just nothing going on.  It's the sense that I've had throughout the campaign that it's unclear what [Romney] really believes in. I think when you contrast him with President Obama, who also gave a speech later there, and President Clinton, who spoke several times there, there is not, kind of, a sense of depth."
He’s cardboard. He’s nothing. He says whatever needs to be said to whatever audience to whom he is speaking. He’ll do and say anything to get elected so, yeah, we have no idea who Mitt Romney really is.
Except for being a failed presidential candidate, again.

Janice Fountaine, co-founder of the New Independent Christian Party:
"The practice of homosexuality and self-pleasure, are age old systems, being recharged and reorganized for end-time warfare. It is being orchestrated from the diabolical realms of the supernatural and manifested on earth, with the overall intention, to silence the church forever. These actions, by Satan, is an all out declaration of victory, as the church finds itself caught off guard and intertwined in his evil end-time warfare, strategies and systems.”

First off, Janice, I don’t “practice” homosexuality, I was born this way so it just comes naturally.
And are you really saying that two men having sex, or two women, or me, say, um choking my chicken, is a weapon in the battle?
Yeah, sign me up for that army.

Rachel Maddow, on the 2007 Jeremiah Wright tape that was dragged out by right-wing as an attempt to paint Obama as some kind of race-baiter:
"See this is supposed to make you think that in this tape from before he was President Barack Obama he's revealing his secret plan to be way more Black than he seems to you now. This is how he snuck into the White House. People actually didn't know he was this Black and if they had known he was this Black they never would have elected him. That's the idea here, right? The efforts to make President Obama's race sound like new news and to make it seem shocking are now ramping up aggressively."

It’s the GOP rightwingnut, Teabaggin’ answer to Mittsy’s secret tapes where he tells all of us that he doesn’t care about half of us.
That dog won’t hunt.

Dan Cathy, of Chick-fil-A-hole, still hating The Gays:
"Families are very important to our country. And they're very important to those of us who are concerned about being able to hang on to our heritage. We support Biblical families, and they've always been a part of that."

Um, Dan, you dipshit? Gay families exist. Gay parents exist. Children of gay parents exist. And for you to somehow say that we don’t matter, that those of us who are gay and choose to be Christian, somehow don’t matter, is oh-so-very Christ-like.
Seriously, when Jesus comes back, his first stop will be at Burger King.
He doesn’t like Chicken Roasted in Hate.

Paul Ryan, on what a Romney presidency will do about marriage equality:

Ryan when asked his thoughts about marriage:
"First of all, Mitt Romney and I—I’ll just say it, it’s worth repeating—we believe marriage is between one man and one woman, that’s number one. Number two, you know where I come from we had one of those amendments in Wisconsin, I was a big supporter of it and we passed it like you say, where it’s put on the ballot it passes. The second point is, President Obama gave up defending the Defense of Marriage Act in the courts, I mean, not only is this decision to abandon this law the wrong decision, it passed in a bipartisan manner, it is very troubling because it undermines not only traditional marriage but it contradicts our system of government. It’s not the president’s job to pick and choose which laws he likes. A Romney administration will protect traditional marriage and the rule of law and we will provide the Defense of Marriage Act the proper defense in the courts that it deserves."

There you have it, straight from the horse's ass: if you are gay, have a gay relative, friend, or neighbor, and vote Romney/Ryan, you are voting for discrimination to be written into the US Constitution.
Discrimination is not an American value, no matter how many times Hound Dog Eyes tries to spin it.


  1. buncha asshat h8ers there, bob. except for dan savage, rachel maddow, and madeleine albright.

    maggie gallagher and janice fountaine probably haven't been laid in years, ann romney is a bitch, tony perkins needs to drop the soap, and matt barnes needs someone to call him the "n-word".

  2. Dan Cathy supports Biblical Marriage, aye? So he's totally for advocating for polygamous marriage. You know, like Moses, Sephoria and the nameless "Ethopian Woman" - and you just thought she had a walk on part in the Ten Commandments. And then there is Abraham and his WIVES Sarah, Hagar and Ktura. And then there was Lott and his wife - they certainly did a smash up job preparing their daughters for incest should the end of the world come upon them. Yeah, Cathy loves Biblical Marriage.

  3. And this Cunt, Janice Fountaine, says "The practice of homosexuality and self-pleasure, are age old systems, being recharged and reorganized for end-time warfare." How is being honest with oneself a force of evil? How is raising a child to know the difference between Christ's teachings in action and the BS that twisted minds do in the name of Christ? How is my perfect sense of color, hue and saturation going to bring about Armageddon? Tell me Janice, how is my distaste for the color Mauve going to end your world as you know it, Cunt.

  4. Bob,

    You do know don't you that if the homophobes were completely in control they would eliminate all homosexuals? I hate to use the "Nazi" reference but I think all we gays know that if the Right was in complete control we (gays) would be in concentration camps. Of that I have NO DOUBT.



    I LOVE the "photo" of Lying Ryan. It has his thin lipped phony smile perfect.

  5. Maggie Gallagher and Janice Fountaine's comments offend me as a gay man, but also as a history buff. There wasn't some sort of scholarly debate between the "Pagans" and the Christians back in Roman times. Constantine decided to convert the entire Roman Empire to Christianity because he won a few times when he prayed to god. If he had lost, history would look very different. Catholicism incorporated marriage as a sacrament in the 16th century by most estimates. It was a way to make some more money.

    I would, furthermore, not call the church "caught off guard" by homosexuality or self-pleasure. Both predate Christianity. I think that's what I like the least about those who take up the Christian Mantle, as opposed to Christians who quietly live their lives and practice their religion in a tolerant manner; they never have a firm grasp on the history behind events.


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