
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Height of GOP Stupidity, Part Fifteen: Mittsy Doesn't Care About Half Of All Americans

So, yesterday I posted a short clip of the Dina Lohan/"Dr." Phil interview. it looked like an utter trainwreck, so, naturally, I watched. And it was a trainwreck; I mean, Lindsay is quite the cracktress and seeing her mother and father on TV shows that she didn't fall far from the trainwreck tree.

But that wasn't the only trainwreck this week. It may have been a monumental pop culture trainwreck, but the massive implosion by Mittsy Romney this week counts as an almost-national disaster.

Last week we had Mittsy bashing the President over the uprisings against the US Embassy in Libya before he even knew the facts, which is Problem One with the Mittsy campaign.
Problem Two--and rapidly becoming Problem One--for the campaign is Mittsy's mouth, and the fact that he cannot control what spews from it.

Now, in a secret videotape, Mittsy is heard saying that the overwhelming majority of voters who back President Barack Obama do so because they are "dependent on government" and "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

His horse flies first class and I feel entitled?

The video shows Mittsy talking about Obama supporters, immigrants, privilege and a host of other controversial issues, and yet it's his comments on Obama supporters that are drawing the most heat:
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Yes, Mittsy says that half of Americans want the government to buy us homes and feed us and give us free medical care because, well, we want it. Dammit. Foot stomp. And then he steps in it even deeper:
"[M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
There you have it, straight from the horse's ass: Mittsy does not care about roughly half of all Americans because they don't like him and he can't win 'em over.
Of course, then in a case of the Pot calling the Kettle Black, Mittsy claims that 47% of Americans, those who, naturally, support the president, do not pay income taxes. Yet I wonder, say Mittsy's right....let me take a giggle break.,....Mittsy's right....hee hee.....and half of us don't pay taxes--in part because of deductions like the child tax credit--I would wonder how anything in this country every gets built or fixed or maintained. Half of us don't pay taxes--except perhaps in the form of  Social Security and Medicare payroll deductions and gas levies, as well as state and local sales and property taxes--and folks like Mittsy pay next to nothing? How does this thing work at all?

Don't ask Mittsy. He doesn't care.

And now he's trying to spin it, by holding a brief, uncomfortable, news conference saying his remarks were "not elegantly stated" and was "spoken off the cuff."

Sadly, Mittsy, at least 47% of Americans--and I think it's more--don't believe you.


  1. Tried to figure out if we were on the dole - besides gas, property and sales taxes.
    And, by golly, we were! About 15% of special education budgets come from the feds. Helped my dyslexic kiddo and paid my salary.

  2. Forgive me for quoting from my own blog post:

    OK. I have neither the competence nor the stomach to expound on Mitt's disregard for half the US population. I will limit my comments to this: If the greedy corporations had created (living-wage) jobs as the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy promised, instead of eliminating jobs in the US and keeping more of the profits in their Swiss bank accounts and other tax havens, maybe more Americans would actually be in a position to have money to pay taxes on. Instead, the Halliburtons and Koch brothers line their pockets with the profits of war and Wall Street while unemployment, poverty and homelessness skyrocket. Besides, there is another segment of some percentage who pay no taxes - the very wealthy who can slither through loopholes and launder money and deduct the cost of their hobbies and maintain off shore and Swiss bank accounts.

    These disgustingly, obscenely wealthy Republicans and their supporters literally make me ill and reading and listening to news coverage of the political scene is, I am becoming convinced, not good for my health.

  3. So, Mr. Romney, how DO you "elegantly state" that half of America sees themselves as victims who refuse to take personal responsibility?

  4. This will be his undoing. Mitt is used to getting what he wants, but Peggy Noonan - the woman who gave Reagan his voice and a master apologist for Republicans has said that: "It's time to admit the Romney campaign is an incompetent one."


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