
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Random Musings

So, last week the Family Research Council held their annual Voter Values Summit—sheesh, could it be any more wordy—and the list of speakers was a Who’s Who of rightwing nuttery and asshattery: 
Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Ollie North, Jim DeMint, Tony Perkins, Mike Huckabee, Steve King, Michele Bachmann, and Kirk Cameron.
A bigger group of liars and panderers couldn't be found anywhere else on the globe.
Next year just call it Hate-a-palooza.

It’s no surprise that I post a lot of stories about Lindsay Lohan and all her troubles and issues. But this week, her mother, Dina Lohan, fame-whore extraordinaire, was on “Dr.” Phil and it was like sitting on the side of the road and watching a car wreck that takes a full hour to finish up.
Drunk? Yeah, I’d say she was drunk.
High? Yeah, she probably shares a dealer with Lindsay.
Crazy? See above.
I mean, let’s be real, you’d have to come off as a total drunken-drugged out fool to make Michael Lohan seem reasonable and Dina did just that.

There's been a lot of hubbub over the interwebz and the so-called "news" that Chick-fil-A-hole has promised that it will no longer donate a portion of your lunch money to anti-LGBT hate groups.
It all sounds nice, and maybe it's true, but I'll be holding back my praise until CEO and President Bigot, Dan Cathy says it’s so.
I'm cynical like that.

Congressman Jim Jordan, a Republican—naturally—from Ohio is hoping against hope that Mitt Romney takes the White House in November. Why? So Mittsy can fix the economy? Declare war on anyone who looks at us cross-eyed—or send troops into their countries to hold ‘em down and cut their hair?
No, Jordan wants a Romney White House so the GOP can re-instate Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
Yup, he doesn’t care about fixing what ails us; he just wants The Gays to go back in the closet again.
Sorry, Jim, we’re here, we’re queer and we’re going for full equality.

I love Pink. 
I love her music and her attitude and her openness and honesty. It’s quite refreshing when most celebrities are trying to spin themselves as all things to all people.
But, one thing I like most about her is that she actually sings. 
Not lip-synch, a la, say, Janet or Madonna or Britney. She actually sings.
That’s a rarity.
And, since I mentioned Britney, the other night Carlos and I were flipping channels the other night and came upon The X Factor.
And there was Britney Spears, in all her crazy--cuz, let's face it, she's still nutty--bringing a birthday cake to LA Reid. 
And, um, singing.
Croaking was more like it. 
I mean, it was bad, and whoever told her to do it should be forced to shave their in the window of a beauty salon at midnight.
Carlos, never one for pop culture, said, “Who’s that?”
“Britney Spears.”
“She can’t even sing!”
“I know.”

Good news on the election front, a new Pew Poll shows Obama with an 8-point lead nationally over Mitt Romney.
And this lead came before the 47-percent mess.
With this 8-point lead—among likely voters—Obama holds a bigger September lead than the last three candidates who went on to win in November, including 2008 Barack Obama. And not only does Obama enjoy quite the lead, his support is stronger than Mittsy’s—because Obama likes 100% of Americans—and his support is more positive than negative.
Most of those who say they are voting Mittsy say they are voting against Obama, not for Romney.

We watched the first episode of Revolution this week. It’s about the world, fifteen years after the power goes out. It’s trying to be the “new” Lost but it should just try to be a good show.
Right now it’s very Hunger Games—the heroine is a teenage girl with a bow and arrow—without, well, the Hunger Games.
The male hero is the stereotypical anti-hero. He doesn’t wanna fix anything or help anyone, he just wants to drink. But then he grows a heart, or a pair, and joins the fight. Plus, we have the obligatory hottie who is either good or bad, or good and bad.
I hope it settles into something fun and not something we’ve seen before, and done better.

Madonna came out this week and praised Lady Gaga at the same time she dogged Gaga. She muttered something about maybe working with Gaga and then said “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”
I was about to say Shaddup when I read that Gag went on stage in Amsterdam and lit up a joint. See, it’s just the same kind of attention-getting nonsense as Madonna pulled earlier this year when she showed her t-and-a onstage.
So, to both, I say, Shaddup and sing.

And, finally, something funny, cuz it's true:


  1. I wonder what the actual mechanics would be re DADT? I'm never sure what can go by executive order, how long that can stand and what needs the House and the Senate. I need one of those 'after school' informercials...

  2. Lindsay.... Lindsay .... Lindsay. Sigh!
    The pictures of Ann Romney and "Bride of Chucky" doll is great.

  3. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I saw the second half of the Lohans on Dr. Phil. Oh Em Gee. Girl was lit up like a Christmas light display.

    Pink not only sings but she can probably kick our asses too. That's what I love about her.

    Ann Romney... Hahahahaha!

  4. I still ain't eating at chick-fil-a-holes.

    values voters - what a crock of shit!

    P!NK is a philly girl; we totally dig her!

    and the last pix...yeah!

  5. Aw, go easy on Brit. I sing every weekend for a living, and I know the sound of a voice that's been overworked. It's this pesky feeling like your vocal cords are sticky, and your voice cracks a little here and there. She just needs a break.

  6. Brace yourself: Chick-fil-a has already violated the spirit, if not the letter, of their own law. Although their hands may be tied, Dan Cathy can donate to whomever he likes:


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