
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mittsy Isn't Fit To Be President

When one wonders whether or not Mittsy Romney is fit to be president of this country, one need look no further than his own "disgraceful" actions yesterday in the wake of the protests at US Embassies in Cairo and Libya, and the attack on the embassy in Libya which ended the lives of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. Romney doesn't know what to do; all he does is, as President Obama rightly pointed out later in the day, is "to shoot first and aim later."

It all began when the US Embassy in Cairo released a statement denouncing an anti-Muslim "movie" that had made an appearance on YouTube and spread like wildfire around the globe. The film is said to depict the Prophet Muhammad as a womanizer, pedophile and homosexual. Well, even before the ink was dry on the embassy statement, and even before the attacks on the Libyan embassy began, Mittsy stepped in front of a microphone to denounce President Obama for "sympathizing" with the attackers, all before an "attack" even began.

Mittsy could have, should have, held his tongue during this crisis since he couldn't be bothered to support his own government, but instead he played what I see as a race card, when he called Obama a "sympathizer" with the attackers.

One who sympathizes is generally one who is one the same side. So, Mittsy decided to spread a little nonsense about Obama being on "their" side because, you know, he wasn’t born here and he doesn’t have the same skin color as the other presidents we've had. This is the part of Mittsy's lunacy that disgusts me the most.

There was no truth in what he said, and that's the problem with Mittsy. He sees an attack on embassies, a protest at embassies, as a chance to dig at the president, to politicize the murder of Americans as somehow Obama's fault. Imagine a Mittsy presidency, when some form of violence breaks out in the Middle East and, rather than wait for the facts, he jumps the gun and just starts blathering. Imagine the mess we'd be in then.

And yet, after being widely criticized for his unwarranted political attack on the president, does Mittsy apologize himself? Does he say he misspoke? Did he denounce the violence or even pay tribute to those who died? I mean, Mittsy must know he’s stepped in it; his team of handlers and gaffe-protectors know he’s mishandled the situation. So, he offers an apology, maybe, and says he misspoke or spoke to soon, tight? No, he gets back in front of a microphone and repeats the lie, ignoring the crisis and the dead while trying to smear the president as a “sympathizer” with those murderers.

But that’s what Mittsy does; he lies, or, if we give him the benefit of the doubt, he misspeaks. But then he continues to say the wrong thing, I guess assuming that We The People are easily fooled and there will be no consequences.

Mittsy had the chance to correct the record, and at least acknowledge that the original Cairo Embassy statement didn’t come from the president, but he doesn’t:
 “When our grounds are being attacked and being breached, the first response should be outrage. Apology for America’s values will never be the right course. We express immediately when we feel that the President and his administration have done something which is inconsistent with the principles of America.”

Still shaking my head in disbelief at how Mittsy handles a situation of violence and unrest and outright murder, I’ll stand by the president, who, I’ll remind you, said this, when asked about Mittsy’s idiotic  remarks on Libya:
"There's a broader lesson to be learned here. Governor Romney seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later and as president one of the things I've learned is you can't do that."


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    He's not fit to be POTUS, but with comments like this he'll make sure Obama stays in the White House four more years. I hope he keeps it up.

  2. Bob,

    Romney is getting ready to speak at a Virginia rally as I type this comment. I hear that he is going to double down again on his lying, opportunistic, disgraceful comments of yesterday. Romney is beneath contempt.



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