
Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Fox Radio Cancels Show Over LGBT Content And The Host Comes Out

Out there in Reno, a Fox Radio affiliate has cancelled a public affairs program because Sean Savoy, the show’s host, had conducted an interview LGBT advocate Will Kolb.

Eddie Floyd, who produces the “House of Savoy” program hosted by ordained minister Sean Savoy, says that KKFT-FM station manager, Jerry Evans, told him the show was cancelled and cited the Kolb interview as his primary reason for doing so.

Savoy's interview with Kolb touched on a variety of different topics related to the LGBT community, from marriage equality to the recent dust-up over the remarks of Chick-fil-A-hole owner Dan Cathy. Savoy says he is “shocked” to be “silenced in this manner, especially when there has been no prior complaint of the show’s content.”

Sean Savoy:
“I have always appreciated the variety of viewpoints expressed on my program. To think I could be removed for having a conversation about the LGBT community in America baffles me. I have conducted a variety of interviews with a wide range of people over the past year, and yet this was the topic that got my show cancelled. Mr. Evans and his company certainly have the right to control their opinion, [but] censoring any message that benefits the LGBT community is wrong and detracts from basic human rights. It means that he is gate keeping and not allowing the public to make their own informed decisions.”
Stunned by the cancellation of his program, for obviously anti-LGBT reasons, Sean Savoy has decided, after considerable “soul searching,” as well as intense discussions with his inner circle, including his family and his partner, to come out as a gay man. He said he has chosen to live a much more fulfilling life that wasn’t based on deception and was true to his sexual orientation.

Savoy has been beaten up by a lot of people in the LGBT community for coming out only on the heels of his show being cancelled--some suggest his coming out is motivated by a need for support to get a new show on the air--but, really, in this day and age should we be questioning the why and how and when of people coming out, or should we be saying Welcome?

I, for one, though I wished we lived in a world where the Sean Savoys didn't feel a need to be closeted, prefer now to live in the world of Welcome Out.

Welcome out, Sean. Your copy of The Gay Agenda and the obligatory Toaster Oven should be winging their way towards you from Homo HQ.

Welcome out.


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    He came out on his own. He was closeted working for fox but not against LGBT's. He's smart and cute - a better homo then Arron Schock.


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