
Monday, August 27, 2012

The Height of GOP Stupidity, Part Six: Don Dwyer Is A Drunk Boater

Don H. Dwyer Jr, a Maryland delegate, is the poster boy for the GOP. He hates The Gays and works very hard to keep us from equality. He also wants to keep us from adopting children because he says The Gays are bad for kids. On the plus side, Dwyer supported a ballot measure that would strip lawmakers of their office if they are found guilty of serious crimes; Maryland voters will make a decision on this ballot measure in November.
Why is any of this interesting? 
Well, Dwyer was out on his boat over the weekend, with another man--and I leave any thoughts of alleged homosexually to the reader, though we all know the biggest homophobes are the closeted homosexuals--and they were having drinks. Dwyer was apparently having a lot of drinks, and after getting his drunk on full bore he crashed his boat into a boat full of children.
Four of the children were injured with one, a five year old girl, taken by helicopter to Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, while the two adults on the boat were unharmed.
The crash was so severe that Dwyer’s boat sunk in the river. Luckily, Dwyer survived and his blood alcohol level was 0.2, which is twice the legal limit.
Oh, the irony. The man who says Gay folks are bad for kids, gets riproaring drunk while "boating" with a buddy and crashes into a boat filled with children. Who's the danger again, Don?
Dwyer said, at a press conference, "It is true that I was drinking while operating my boat. No one, no one, should be drinking and operating a motor vehicle or powerboat. I deeply regret my actions, and I ask for forgiveness from the public. My heart and prayers go out to the family that was involved in the accident, and I pray for them to have a speedy recovery."
Pot.Kettle.Time to get out of office, Don.
See, if Dwyer's ballot measure passes in November, then this little Tea Party man might just find himself out of office under the law.
Well, at least he got one thing right.


  1. I hope they throw the book at Dwyer, and then the family sue his ass into the dark ages. Hopefully the wee 5 year old is doing well.

  2. omg!! Drunk boating is a huge problem - and the heat and sun don't help.

  3. He's going make some prisoner a nice prison-bitch...

  4. This is one member of the public that will not forgive him. What a dick.


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