
Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Height of GOP Stupidity, Part Nine: John Boehner Hopes Blacks and Latinos 'Won't Show Up' To The Polls

Down in Tampa, for the Republican National Convention, aka Hate-a-palooza, House Speaker John Boehner seems to have admitted that his party's strategy for winning in November doesn't suppose that the GOP can win over some black and Latino voters, but hopes they won't vote at all. 

Boehner wasn't talking about voter I.D. laws, which are being pushed by Republicans and criticized as disenfranchising minority and poor voters, but he did tell a luncheon hosted by the Christian Science Monitor in Tampa Monday that the Republican Party was counting on apathy from the Latinos and blacks who are choosing Democrats over Republicans by record margins in recent polls:
“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”
Not a big stretch for the GOP, if you remember that Doug Priesse, chair of the Franklin County, Ohio, Republican Party, allowed that restrictions on early voting hours and voter ID laws were meant to keep blacks from voting: 
"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine… Let’s be fair and reasonable."
It seems pretty clear that this is the GOP. They aren't so much about winning the election on merit as they are about preventing the people who might vote for Barack Obama from doing so.


  1. Tonight is the big speech. Like a good voter I will be watching Project Runway :-)

  2. I have this picture in my mind that Dougie is being spit roasted by Karl Rove on one end and Grover Norquist on the other. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to go and vomit.

  3. "It seems pretty clear that this is the GOP. They aren't so much about winning the election on merit as they are about preventing the people who might vote for Barack Obama from doing so."

    yep; that's why our rethuglican governor and rethuglican state legislature passed a (so called) no-fraud voter ID law. bullshit; it's to keep blacks, hispanics, asians, and poor people from voting.

  4. The Republicans will do whatever they have to to win the presidency and both houses of Congress so they can complete the rape of the middle class. They have no shame. Point the finger of their brilliant strategy of telling the low information voters what they want to hear to the banality of evil himself, Karl Rove. At least this year Rove and the Republicans can't use the fear of gays to swing voters. They just tell lies knowing they can get away with it because of those low information voters hearing validation of what they want to believe.

  5. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I'm with the dogs mother on this one. We all know Mittsy will be auf'ed in about nine weeks or so anyway.


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