
Monday, August 27, 2012

The Height of GOP Stupidity, Part Five: Mittsy's A Birther!

If Little Mittsy Romney wasn't such a fucking crybaby all the time, some of the stories about him might be funny; or, failing that, they might just simply disappear as quickly as they appear.
See, Mittsy spends a lot of time whining about the Obama camp's attacks on him. They're hateful! They're divisive! Stick to the message! He said the President wasn't playing fair when he asked to see Mittsy's tax returns, though, for the record, a majority of the country also asked for those.

And just a week or so ago, Mittsy foot-stomped-and-head-snapped all over the country because of Joe Biden's "They're gonna put y'all in chains" comment. He demanded an apology! How dare you, Mr. President, stoop so low?
Yet this is the same Mittsy Romney, desperate to pander to the fringiest elements of the GOP, the Tea Baggers, who made a joke--lame as it was and lame as he is--about President Obama's birth certificate while speaking to voters in Michigan:
“Now I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born. Ann was born in Henry Ford Hospital. I was born in Harper Hospital. No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”
Oh.My.Sides. What a high-larious bit of hijinks. or, you know, pandering disguised as hijinks. Racism disguised as a feeble attempt at a joke because you've got nothing else to offer.
Of course, as the story broke--and that lil old quote up there is a direct quote so let's not try to soft-sell his remarks--Mittsy's people scrambled to walk back his comments, saying he was simply sharing his Michigan pride.
Um, but that begs the question, how does questioning the current president's birth certificate show pride in your home state? Oh, unless your pride manifests itself in pandering to lunatics who don't take the facts for the truth.
The Obama campaign snapped right back:
“Throughout this campaign, Governor Romney has embraced the most strident voices in his party instead of standing up to them. It’s one thing to give the stage in Tampa to Donald Trump, Sheriff Arpaio, and Kris Kobach. But Governor Romney’s decision to directly enlist himself in the birther movement should give pause to any rational voter across America.”
And even though Romney handlers, who you just know are underpaid and overworked, kept reiterating that Romney believes the President was born in America--how thoughtful of him--but that he was simply talking about his own local roots.
The Obama campaign responded, "Bull shit."
Okay, maybe that was just me. But I am so tired of Mittsy playing the wounded animal, and crying about attacks over his lack of transparency when it comes to his taxes and donations and banks and dogs on roofs. I'm tired of him asking for a civilized campaign and then resorting to this kind of neanderthal jackassery. 
I, for one, would never question Mittsy's birthplace, just as I would never question Obama's. I do, however, have questions about why Mittsy's money lives outside the US and why he has such a hard time sharing his tax records with us. I do have questions about why he was pro-Choice a few years back and now he's pro-Life; I question his, albeit tenuous, support for LGBT rights, and his current stance.
You can't have it both ways, Mittsy. You can't cry when negative things are said about you, and then flip-flop.....oh, wait, that's what you do best.


  1. Convention time! I loves watching them for the behind the scenes stuff. And the funny hats. :-)

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Shorter Mittsy: "Ha ha! I'm white."

  3. Romney was despicable when he made his "joking" comment about "no one has to ask me for my birth certificate!" because he knows that as a white man who has known nothing but privilege who whole life he could make as statement like that and not be questioned about his birth. This is the same person, who as a student at his private, privileged school thought it was funny to put obstacles in the way of his blind teacher. Real funny. What's going to be real funny is when this election is over and Romney and the Republicans lose big time. I am embarrassed every time I see Romney. The rest of the world looks at us and think "Is this the best you can do America?"


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