
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Height of GOP Stupidity, Part Eight: Paul Ryan Says Rape Is A Method of Conception

Paul Ryan is a raging Catholic. Okay, good for him. i mean, we have Freedom of Religion in this country, so good for him. But, Paul Ryan wants to use his religious beliefs to tell the rest of us, especially women, how to live our lives, and to tell women they do not have the right of choice, even in the case of rape and incest.
In fact, in an interview last week, after being pegged as Mittsy's Golden Boy, Ryan defended his anti-abortion position, saying that there in no excuse for abortion, and he even suggested that rape is a "method of conception." And yet no one is talking about it.
Paul Ryan says rape is a method of conception.
Now, to be fair, a woman who is raped, can conceive a child, I guess, even if many in the GOP believe her uterus has a force field to protect itself from unwanted sperm, but rape as a method of conception? Forcible rape? Paul? Legitimate rape?
Todd Akin wasn't the first to float the idea of a woman's body having super powers able to detect rapists sperm and deny them entrance, and yet look what's happened to him. He's become both the Poster Boy of GOP Stupidity and the Whippin' Boy of the GOP. But, and I'm happy to report, Todd Akin will never be a heartbeat away from becoming President.
No, that lucky position could go to Paul Ryan, if Mittsy wins in November, and imagine a Paul Ryan presidency. Telling victims of rape and incest that abortion is not an option. They weren't raped at all, people, it's just another "method of conception".
Forcible, legitimate conception.
Wake up, America, this cannot happen in our country. Are we to begin looking at a rape victim, and smiling and offering congratulations, and then planning a baby shower for her because President Ryan says so?



  1. This is already happening in our states, just not on a national level. The states have the "hearbeat bills" and "transvaginal probe laws" to prove it.

  2. The biggest danger to our country is if Romney and Ryan are elected, they have a good chance of appointing the next Supreme Court nominees. If that happens, Roe versus Wade will be overturned and a woman's right to choose will be history. Also, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will be repealed and gays will take a step backwards to being second class citizens.

  3. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Rape is a method of conception, but it still doesn't make it right. Why the media isn't blowing this up I don't understand -- unless the media still wants this to be a close race in November?

  4. You´ve said it all. The card gave the final punch. I´m sick at the thought of what a Romney(Ryan) presidency would mean.

  5. Since I've been of voting age (Carter vs Ford - gasp!)there have always been predictions of dire consequences for abortion and it hasn't happened. That said... I'm wondering...

  6. The women of this country have approximately eight weeks to get their heads on straight.

  7. I already have my head on gay; OBAMA all the way!

    (I'm a poet and I don't know it)

  8. JFK was Catholic and it worried enough of the population back then that he had to give an oath not to let his religion influence his Presidency. If we are going back in time on all of the issues, maybe that's one that also needs addressed!


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