
Monday, August 13, 2012

An Interesting Vice........President

--> Lotsa folks—even some of those in the GOP—are wondering why Mittsy chose Paul Ryan to be his Veep.
And it’s simple, really, because, under the tax plan promoted by Paul Ryan, Mittsy and his ilk—Ryan included—would pay almost nothing in federal taxes. See, Ryan’s plan would eliminate income taxes on capital gains, interest, and dividends entirely, which means that a great deal of Mittsy’s already untaxed wealth would never be taxed at all.
If we look at Mitty’s earnings from 2010—the only year for which we have a full tax return –he earned more than $21 million. But almost all of that was capital gains and interest. Romney did earn $593,996 in author and speaking fees that year, and since he actually worked to earn that income, it would still be taxed under Ryan’s plan. But Ryan also would reduce the top marginal tax rate from 35% to 25% and would eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax.
Bottom line? Romney’s tax rate for 2010 would have been 0.82 percent under the Ryan plan and really, isn’t that why Mittsy wants him as second in command? To preserve the wealth of the wealthiest and tax those who can least afford it?
Nearly all of the 1% would end up paying nothing in federal taxes, as long as they don’t actually work for any of their income.
And that loss of revenue would essentially destroy the government since there would be no money—or very little money coming from the 99%--to pay for anything other than Social Security and defense.
No FBI. No highway funds. No FAA. No Veteran’s benefits. No NASA. No unemployment insurance. No weather service. Nothing to protect our borders at all. No Medicare or Medicaid. No federal education funds.
But, hey, Mittsy and Ryan would make out like bandits, so, that’s why Paul Ryan is Mitty’s running mate.
And don’t even think otherwise.


  1. An interesting and short discussion of Republican propaganda on job creation and taxes:

    Nick Hanauer

  2. Bob,

    You articulate so well what I think. I will say it again, I find your blog one of the best. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Always informative, with just he right edge.

    Thank you!


  3. I'm calling in a marker....
    I am lifting this graphic -

    to you & carlos,


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