
Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Desperate GOP

So, Joe Biden was talking to an audience in Virginia and he said this of a Romney/Ryan plan for economic recovery:
“Look at what they [Republicans] value, and look at their budget. And look what they’re proposing. [Romney] said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks write their own rules — unchain Wall Street. They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”

And Romney got his Thousand Dollar Granny Panties in a twist because, you know,m chains means slavery and Biden was saying that Romney would go back to slavery.
Yeah, that's what Romney though, and he responded:
"Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago."

First of, you nit wit, the President didn't say anything. But then you go and demean the people of Chicago saying that's the kind of politics they endure there. Grow a pair, Mittsy, or, failing that, buy a pair.

And then Romney unleashed his spokesbot, Andrea Saul:
“The comments made by the Vice President of the United States are not acceptable in our political discourse and demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do anything to win this election. President Obama should tell the American people whether he agrees with Joe Biden’s comments.”
Oh Andrea, you reek of desperation. Biden said Romney would "unchain" Wall St which would put the  Middle Class in chains. I didn't get a slavery reference because I'm not as desperate as Mittsy.

Then Joe Biden decided to clear up Mittsy's brain freeze:
“I am told when I made that comment earlier today in Danville, Virginia, the Romney campaign put out a Tweet …went on the air, went on the airwaves saying, ‘Biden was outrageous in saying’ — I think I said, instead of unshackled, unchained — ‘outrageous to say that!...The last time these guys unshackled the economy, to use their term, they put the middle class in shackles. That’s how we got where we are.”

Seriously, Mittsy, instead of pandering and lying and twisting words, why don't you try and tell us something useful. Or show us something useful, like your tax returns.
And then we could all just stop talking and planning Obama's victory celebration.


  1. Romney/Ryan, two sperms with a sense of direction and were all paying for it! Thats all I have to say today.

  2. Under politics as a spectator sport, which is how I survive it, there is lunch at the White House between the President, the VP and Sec'y of State Clinton..... is it time to spend more time with the family???

  3. Romney isn't going to show those tax returns come hell or highwater because he hiding some bad crap that would guarantee he would be elected president, even by his Hate Obama at All Costs base.


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