
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Random Musings

Quick question:
Is it wrong to watch So You Think You Can Dance and fast-forward to the performances where the guys are shirtless?
I mean, if it's Matthew Kazmierczak, is it all right? 
Asking for a friend.

Our beloved.....Sorry. I need a giggle break....governor, Nikki "I'm So Transparent" Haley, is in a bit of hot water today because, well, because she's an idiot.
Democrats and victims advocates are demanding that See-Thru Nikki apologize after the first-one-term governor posted this comment on her Facebook page shortly after the House unanimously overrode Haley's Veto 51, which cut funding to rape crisis centers throughout the state:
"[V]eto of SC Coalition of Domestic Violence $453,680. Special interests made their way into the DHEC budget. This is not about the merit of their fights but the back door way of getting the money. It's wrong and another loophole for legislators and special interests to use. Defeated 111-0"
When Democrats demanded she apologize, Haley's office replied, "That’s not what the governor said."
Hmmm, I think she did say it.

Overheard at work.....
1st Co-worker: I need to buy a new dresser.
2nd Co-worker: I know some places to go. We can do it next week cuz I need a new dresser, too, because my husband needs two drawers for his socks, one for white socks, and the other for colored socks.
Bob: Your husband has separate drawers for his socks?
2nd Co-worker: Yeah?
Bob: He's queer, dear.

George Zimmerman appeared on his first interview since being charged with second degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Fox News lapdog Sean Hannity asked Zimmerman if he regretted getting out of his car to follow Trayvon, carrying a gun, or anything at all about the night he killed Trayvon Martin. 
Zimmerman said he regretted nothing, and would basically do it all again, because he believed “it was all God’s plan.”
Oh, so God wanted Trayvon dead.
And, um, even if Zimmerman believes that God's plan was to have Trayvon killed, what does he think about taking a life in terms of God? He doesn't regret taking a life?
Sad, pathetic little man. I hope he gets all he deserves.
Trayvon's father Tweeted his own reply to Zimmerman, which about sums it up on Twitter: "We must worship a diff god bc no way that MY God would hv wanted GZ to kill my son."

Overheard around town......
Friend: Hey Bob! 
Hey Kenny!
Friend: Did you hear they're gonna build a Chick-fil-A in town?
Bob: I did! Did you hear that Chick-fil-A funds anti-gay hate groups?
Friend: Um.....No.
Bob: Enjoy your sandwich! Though denying me equality probably doesn't taste very good.
Friend: Oh.

Need proof that the GOP and the conservative pundits who are in their pockets wouldn't know the truth if their tongues came notarized?

The Emmy nominations came out today. Here are the top categories, with my pick, or my favorite, in red:

Drama Series
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Downton Abbey
Games of Thrones
Mad Men

Lead Actress Drama
Kathy Bates – Harry’s Law
Glenn Close – Damages
Claire Danes – Homeland
Michelle Dockery – Downton Abbey
Julianna Margulies – The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss – Mad Men

Lead Actor Drama
Hugh Bonneville – Downton Abbey
Steve Buscemi – Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston – Breaking Bad
Michael C Hall – Dexter
Jon Hamm – Mad Men
Damian Lewis – Homeland

Mini-Series or Movie
American Horror Story
Game Change
Hatfields and McCoys
Hemmingway & Gellhorn

Comedy Series
Big Bang Theory
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Modern Family
30 Rock

Actress Mini-Series/Movie
Connie Britton – American Horror Story
Ashley Judd – Missing
Nicole Kidman – Hemmingway & Gellhorn
Julianne Moore – Game Change
Emma Thompson – The Song of Lunch

Actor Mini-Series/Movie
Kevin Costner – Hatfields and McCoys
Benedict Cumberbatch – Sherlock
Idris Elba – Luther
Woody Harrelson – Game Change
Clive Owen – Hemmingway & Gellhorn
Bill Paxton – Hatfields and McCoys

Lead Actress Comedy
Zooey Deschanel – New Girl
Lena Dunahm – Girls
Edie Falco – Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey – 30 Rock
Julia Louis-Dreyfus – Veep
Melissa McCarthy – Mike & Molly
Amy Poehler – Parks & Recreation

Lead Actor Comedy
Alec Baldwin – 30 Rock
Don Cheadle – House of Lies
Louis CK – Louie
Jon Cryer – Two and a Half Men
Larry David – Curb Your Enthusiasm
Jim Parsons – Big Bang Theory

Who do YOU want to see with Emmy?


  1. I could be wrong, but AHS cannot win best Miniseries against the The Hatfields and the Mccoys, cable nets most watched non-sports show ever.

    That alone, however, does not guarantee a win, but the Emmy’s (like the Oscars) tend to skew older and more predicable winners. The one thing the Emmy’s do have over the Golden Globes and the Oscars (even though they just do movies), is while the do have a tendency to choose the same people again and again, they’re more open to first timers and newer shows.

    So that may play against AHS in the end. The Hatfields and The Mccoys has a few things going for it: First, it had the appeal of older viewers. Secondly, it resembled the old broadcast networks “event” style miniseries that were huge in 1970s and 80s. Nostalgia sometimes wins over the new and the shiny, especially if the cast of your miniseries is populated with the likes of Kevin Costner, Bill Paxton and Tom Berenger -80′s stars that viewers feel more comfortable with. Thirdly, the cable broadcasters have the advantage of building visibility on only a handful of original shows. Broadcast networks have a huge issues when they have to focus their marketing strategy on all their shows.

  2. The Zimmerman interview was interesting

  3. Anonymous1:46 AM

    I'd love to see Game of Thrones win this year.

  4. I really really want to see Mayim Bialik win a Best Supporting Actress for her role as Amy Farrah Fowler on "The Big Bang Theory". This show is one of the best-written and consistently funny multi-camera comedies on the air. Since the first season, the cast has grown to include three female characters that are just as interesting and funny as the four nerd guys at the center.

    I love "Modern Family", too, but I think it's time for "The Big Bang Theory" to bring home Best Comedy Emmy gold!


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