
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

North Carolina GOP Platform: Discrimination! Discrimination! Discrimination!

North Carolina is rapidly becoming the most anti-LGBT state in the country; and that's saying quite a lot when you think about Tennessee.
But now, weeks after the voters demanded a constitutional amendment to discriminate against gay folks, and weeks after a North Carolina preacher called for having The Gays kept behind barbed wire fences where we can simply die out, the North Carolina GOP has adopted a platform based on discrimination of The Gays.
It says:
Government should treat all citizens impartially, without regard to wealth, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sex, political affiliation or national origin. We oppose all forms of invidious discrimination. Sexual orientation is not an appropriate category.
So, there it is. North Carolina Republican'ts spell it out. Rich people and poor folks should be treated the same.
White folks and Black people? Just the same.
Latino people and Asians? No difference.
Physically challenged, Catholic, Baptist, male, female, Democrat, Republican, are all the same.
But not Gay people. And, I cannot help but laugh when I see the words "We oppose all forms of insidious discrimination" followed by the exception. Why not just say it more simply, "North Carolina doesn't hate anyone, except queers and dykes."
The document also argues that “The ideal environment for raising children is a two-parent family with a mother and father who are married and committed to that life-long relationship” and opposes “adoption by same sex couples.”
North Carolina.
I think we need to get that fence built so we can keep tabs on them.
via ThinkProgress


  1. You dont know me . I am mary from Alabama. I agree with you 100%!!! NO MORE HATE!! I donot blog yet. Just a good stalker of a loving sort. Hey I Vote too! and I so don't care who knows where MY vote is going... Smile I am on your (our) side. :)

  2. That's odd, I didn't realize wealth, religion, and political affiliation were invidious. Learn something new every day.

  3. I agree with Cubby (I think I always agree with Cubby)...

    Somehow I always had it in my head that North Carolina was the GOOD Carolina. But I keep forgetting: That's the one Jesse Helms came from. My apologies to the good people of North Carolina (I know there are many), but I will not set foot in that state or spend a penny there until the rest of its people get their heads out of their asses (or maybe they should leave them there and just butt out).

  4. Forgive me, for I get confused, but you don't live in Nc do you???? If so, Im sending you unlimited mind altering beverges!

  5. No, Maddie, we're in South Carolina.
    We hate The Gays here, too, but we don't want 'em dead.
    Yet. =/
    And I'll still take those beverages!

  6. I looked up invidious -

    Likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others. Unfairly discriminating; unjust. Tending to rouse ill will, animosity, or resentment:

    That says a lot there, North Carolina.

  7. God, I am so embarrassed for the state of my birth, but so happy to have escaped....

  8. I love that they are just so unabashedly straightforward about it: discrimination on the basis of "wealth" (ain't THAT a choice?) should be illegal, but no discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

    I think the NATIONAL GOP should have this plank in their platform...

  9. Two weeks ago Bill and I visited my father's birth place and where he grew up until he was ten years old in the mountains of western North Carolina. Yep, pop was a hillbilly. We were offered a cabin to stay the next time we visited but we declined after our host asked us "What do you think about that FAG president we have, Obama?" We thought perhaps we might just stay a tad farther away (in a Hampton Inn in civilization like Asheville) during our next visit this fall. Nice folk those mountain folk but not a whole lot of room for us gay folk. The North Carolina Republicans are just playing to their base.

  10. I adore, just adore how everything single thing that could set a person apart was in that list, except for gays and lesbians. Wow, just wow.


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