
Thursday, June 07, 2012

Hey Scott? You Won The Recall...What You Gonna Do Now? Oh Yeah, Discriminate Against The Gays!

Well, Wisconsin governor, Scott Walker managed to stave off a recall effort. Bully for him, eh? But what does that say about the people of Wisconsin who have reaffirmed their faith in a man who tried to strip teachers, firefighters, social workers, and other government employees of their collective bargaining rights?
Not so much I imagine. And so, since Scott Walker seems to think he can do whatever he wants, and do no wrong, his next trick is trying to keep The Gays from visiting their partners if they're hospitalized.
Yes. He is. Walker wants the state to stop defending its domestic partner registry on the grounds that it isn't constitutional because, as the conservative group Wisconsin Family Action says, violates the state's constitutional ban on gay marriage. 
Last week Walker filed legal documents saying the registry shouldn't be defended because it mimics marriage, and is thus unconstitutional. You know, allowing gay couples to visit one another if hospitalized. That kind of unconstitutionality.
The domestic partner registry, which includes some 1,330 couples, allows same-sex couples the right to visit each other in hospitals, make end-of-life decisions, and inherit each other's property; just like married folks, except for a whole bunch of other rights that The Gays don't get.
The gay rights group Fair Wisconsin has stepped in and pledged to defend the registry, even if the state won't. Still, Walker has definitely sent a message. He's such a passionate conservative that he'll make gay people suffer even more during the most horrible time in their lives, because that's what limited government is really all about.
Fuck him. And the recall he rode in on.


  1. Had not heard that. How mean.

  2. Walker may have won this battle (the recall) but he will lose the war. The Republicans are kidding themselves if they think they have a mandate from this election.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I have not once ounce of pity for Wisconsin. They voted twice for this asshole and they officially own whatever happens between now and the next re-election.

  4. How can anyone be so hurtful and down right plain ol' mean? How?

  5. I'm speechless. As my grandson (at 8 years old) said, "It's hateful and suckful."

  6. Possible new State Slogan ...


  7. Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and Bob McDonnell. See what all these politicians have in common? Are are handsome (yes, I said it) and non-threatening. These politicians are the latest in the Karl Rove's playbook to engineer the far right Republican takeover of our state and federal governments. Trojan horses. Don't be fooled folks by the pretty faces folks. Look behind Paul Ryan's big blue eyes, Scott Walker's baby face and Bob McDonnell's boy next door face and you will see something even uglier than Karl Rove's pasty, soft pig face.

  8. You know how I feel about Walker.
    In fact, living in the Chicago area, the next time I head up north to Minnesota... going west through Iowa to go up to Minnesota, thus avoiding the land of the stupid known as Walkerville (formerly Wisconsin).formtso 37


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