
Monday, May 21, 2012

Color Me Surprised? Not So Much ....

I was born in Mississippi.
Didn't really live there, as my Dad was in the Air Force, and we moved six months after I was born.
Now, I'm really thankful for that.


  1. ROFL! Gonna share this for sure!

  2. Things must be pretty bad in Mississippi to mis-spell the state name.

    I'm becoming more of the opinion that we should just cede most of the south and the middle of the country and let them form their dumb as fuck Jesusland. We'll have to remove the nuclear and other weaponry first but otherwise I think they'd die off from a widespread runny nose without advanced medicine.

  3. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Obviously my tax dollars have done wonders to improve their school system.

  4. I don't want to laugh

  5. I've worked on newspapers and had to write headlines and every time a story had the stupid word "Mississippi" in it, I shuddered, cause it's so goddam long you can never fit it in the space. Poor schmuck should have just referred to it as "State."


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