
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Random Musings

Okay, so Brad and Angelina are getting married and a lot of gay folks are all up in arms because, once upon a time, Brad Pitt said they wouldn't marry until all folks--read GAYS--could marry.
Well, that was before they had so many children, who want their mommy and daddy to be married. And I think the needs of their children to have that sense of family supersedes our need to keep Bard and Angie single until we can marry.
They aren't any less LGBT-friendly, or any less Marriage Equality Supportin'.
They're doing this for their kids.
Which is their right.

Funny Tweet:

Anthony Wong, Chinese pop star, came out of the closet at the end of one of his concerts in Hong Kong, saying, “People don’t need to guess whether or not I’m a tongzhi [Chinese slang for homosexual] anymore. I’m saying, I’m gay. I’m a homosexual. G-A-Y.”
Welcome out, Anthony.
And please accept this Coming Out Toaster Oven and copy of the Gay Agenda from Homo HQ.
And, again, welcome out.

Newt is ending his bid for the presidency.
I know, I thought he quit months back, like, you know, before he even started.
But, most sickening of all, and Newt is sickening, this thrice-married, serial assistant-fucker, pathological liar, homophobic asshat and cat hater--I'm not really sure about that last one but it seems to fit--is still getting protection from the Secret Service.
At a cost of $40,000 a day to you and me.
Newt can take his fiscal conservatism and shove it up his ass alongside his political aspirations.
Okay.....I'm done.

Oh, Ted Nugent.
You ramble on and on,m saying stupid things, hoping to get a little publicity, and what do you get?
A canceled concert.
Yup. Commanders at Fort Knox have decided against allowing Nugent, AKA the "Motor City Madman"--a really fitting moniker--to take the stage at the base in June. This is just the latest fallout over Teddy's comments that he would be "dead or in jail" if President Barack Obama were re-elected.
But it isn't just Ted who's out of a job. He was performing alongside REO Speedwagon and Styx, who, I'm sure, are thrilled to be losing gig after gig because they chose to pair themselves with an asshat.
There is Free Speech, Teddy, and there are threats against the President.
Learn the difference.
Or, better still, shut yer yap.

Up in Minnesota, they hope to not be outdone by the lunacy that is the Tennessee legislature, by blocking a bill that would ban Medicaid for paying for ex-gay reparative therapies.
Yup, in Minnesota, Medicaid covers your visit to a homophobic crackpot.
Marcus Bachmann must be doing his happy dance, in boa and heels no doubt, because he can make more money off Medicaid for being a self-loathing, closeted homosexual who believes in praying away the gay.

Okay, I don't really have anything against Ann Romney, millionaire stay-at-homes-mom.
But, well, she's out  'campaigning' for Mittsy, but at most stops she spends a great deal of time thanking people for their prayers in her fight against MS and breast cancer.
In fact, she discusses her health issues quite a lot and I find it offensive.
First off, rather than talk about your health issues, tell us, please, oh Missus Millionaire, how your husband, if elected :::forgive me for giggling:::: will help the average American battle those same issues without health care?
Huh? Is that crickets I hear?
And another thing, if you're going to 'campaign' for Mittsy, talk about Mittsy. Tell us what he'll do, how he'll do it.
Leave your personal stories for your biographer.
It's a campaign, not a support group.
Note: I feel bad for her health issues, but I am sickened by her use of them in campaign speeches. We don't elect presidents because their wives have been stricken with MS or breast cancer, m'kay?
Okay, I'm done.

Funny Tweet:

Meanwhile, back at Mittsy.
He's crowing about his recent sweep of FIVE states in the GOP primary.
But, um, Newt had dropped out, Santorum had already quit, and Ron Paul is, well,  Ron Paul.
So, it would be expected that he would sweep.
It ain't a victory Mittsy when you're racing against no one.

Don't Trust The B____ in Apt 23.
Um, ABC, and the team of comedy writers responsible for this dreck?
It's not that I don't trust her, it's just that she's not funny.
And you replaced Happy Endings, a truly funny irreverent comedy with this schlock?
It's more like Don't Trust the ABC On Your TV.

And, of course, more on Mittsy.
There are some who are saying that his hiring of openly gay, serial asshat Tweeter Deleter, Richard Grenell is a sign that Mittsy plans a shift more toward the center if elected ::::sorry...giggle fit again:::: especially on LGBT issues since Grenell supports marriage equality.
Really? Folks are thinking Mittsy might change his opinion on the issues just to get elected?
Why ... I ...don't ... believe ... it
Mittsy? Flip-flop? Just to get elected?
In his case, he is less flip-flopper and more pandering asshatted liar who will do and say anything to get elected. You can't go from the middle to the right and then back to the middle again without people wondering what your motives might be.
There's a reason you can't spell his name without m-o-n-e-y.

Ryan Seacrest.
He has no discernible talent and yet he's all over the freakin' TV.
That's all.


  1. Somebody should send Newt a bill for the apx $280,000 his protection will cost us for the next week. The Secret Service needs it for their defense fund.

  2. In the 2010 election many states' legislatures took a hard turn right. I suspect in 2012 they will take a hard turn back to center. Then the newly elected legislatures will have to spend many months undoing all of the craziness that the far right has been implementing over the last year and a half. What a waste of time and resources.

  3. update -- Newt Gingrich will lose Secret Service protection tonight, @NBCNews has learned

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  6. I love your Musings Bob. You punch right through the lies, deceit and absurdities of today's culture. A much needed breath of fresh air. And that Ryan Seacrest, just exactly what is his talent other than being the presumptive heir to Dick Clark?

  7. not only that Bob about Ryan Seacrest, but the bitch should be tarred and feathered for discovering, and giving the Kashkowdashians a show!!! I'll cut the queen if I see her!!!!

  8. In Newt's mind, he is a hero, not for winning, but because he wanted to save us from ourselves. And that, in his mind is what makes Newt Newt's number one fan.


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