
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Random Musings

Rosie O'Donnell's talk show, The Rosie Show, is over. It was cancelled by OWN headmistress Oprah Winfrey after one season. The final episode airs March 30.
Says Oprah: “I thank Rosie from the bottom of my heart for joining me on this journey. She has been an incredible partner, working to deliver the best possible show every single day. As I have learned in the last 15 months, a new network launch is always a challenge and ratings grow over time as you continue to gather an audience. I’m grateful to Rosie and the dedicated Rosie Show team for giving it their all.”
Hmmm, sounds like Oprah's blaming Rosie. 'Ratings grow over time' but not for Rosie.
Says Rosie: “I loved working with Oprah in the amazing city of Chicago. I was welcomed with open arms and will never forget the kindness of all I encountered. It was a great year for me – I wish the show was able to attract more viewers – but it did not. So I am headed back to my home in New York – with gratitude. On we go!”
I give OWN a few more months of disastrous programming before The Big O cuts bait.

I am still enjoying Smash, never more so than this week when Broadway Diva/Legend Bernadette Peters stopped by to play Ivy's mother, a Broadway Diva/Legend, and sing "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and tear the house down.
She seemed to be all the show is supposed to be about, and more.
Note to producers: Less Katharine McPhee and more Bernadette Peters.
Just sayin'.

Okay, so Rick "Frothy Mix Ain't Nevah Gonna Be President" Santorum went to Puerto Rico last week to beg fort delegates, And, in his idiocy, he told the people of Puerto Rico that the PR should never, ever, ever become a state until they all speak English.
Yes he did.
And then he went to the hotel pool to sun his flabby, fish-white belly.
Which got me to thinking.......\
That would be like Ricky campaigning in Smallville, stopping by Casa Bob y Carlos, telling us we're second class citizens who don't deserve equality and then asking if he can rest on our front porch for a while.

I am loving GCB, and not just because it's irreverent reverence to religion, nor just because of the delightful Kristin Chenoweth.
No, there is also hottie Mark Deklin, playing Cricket's gay husband.
Did I mention he was hot?
Did I mention he is often without his shirt?
Did I mention he was hot.
Just sayin'.

It looks like Marriage Equality will be on the ballot this November in Maine.
While I'm happy, I still get that sick feeling when i think of letting other people vote on my rights. Doesn't seem fair somehow, as i never got to vote on theirs.
But the Maine House of Representatives unanimously voted to indefinitely postpone a marriage equality bill, which has the effect of sending it directly to voters, and Minority Leader Emily Cain,a Democrat who supports same-sex marriage, made the motion:
“Democrats believe the people of Maine must decide this question. We support the effort of the thousands of Maine people who signed the petitions to put this question before voters in November.  The people of Maine should have an opportunity to cast a direct vote on this matter of fairness and equality for all families.” 
Now that the people may have a say--as much as that seems unseemly--it may take Maine back to 2009 when the Legislature, which was then controlled by Democrats, passed a marriage equality bill and Governor John Baldacci signed it into law. Sadly, though, Maine allowed people to vote on the rights of others, and the law was repealed, by a vote of 53-47 percent. 
Hopefully, we won't see this see-saw effect again, if the measure passes. You cannot keep giving people rights and then stripping them of those rights and then trying to find new ways to pass those same rights again.
Equality should never be voted upon. 

So, there I was, glued to my seat watching the Lip Sync For Your Life portion of RuPaul's Drag Race this week.
Do Not Tell Sharon Needles To Sashay Away. Pack up PhiPhi in her own kit bag, but keep my Sharon.
And then, after the lip sync, which Sharon clearly won, as PhiPhi synced her way out of wig and stilettos, Ru called co-winner Willam to the front and sent him packing for breaking the rules.
And then we never learned why. Or how.
Is it just ratings, because rumor has it all will be told in the reunion?
I say, Willam is quite the media whore and rode the Drag Race for as long as he needed, and then kind of exposed himself, if you will, to be cut, and leave with some notoriety.
Either way, I'm glad she's gone.

Funny Tweet O'The Week

Kirk Cameron is still whining  about the backlash from his anti-gay quote on the Piers Morgan show a while back. He's playing the Poor me! I was the victim of editing game, and, well, it just doesn't fly.
If Morgan used the soundbites of Kirk Cameron's homophobia to sell his show, well, that's how it's done, and even a hasbeen child actor turned religious bigot should know that.
But, his whining got me to thinking...and we know that can't be good.
At any rate, this is what Cameron said about  homosexuality: It's "unnatural... I think that it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."
M'kay, asshat.
But, that makes me wonder, if say, someone like me had gone on the Piers Morgan show and I was talking about religion, organized religion, mass-thought religion, and I said, "Religion is unnatural... I think that it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."
Wonder how Kirk "Self-loathing-closeted-homophobe" Cameron would feel about that?


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I'm enjoying smash and you don't want less Katharine McPhee. That would also mean less Raza Jaffray. Do you really want that?

  2. LOLOLOL at Tweet of the Week :-)

  3. I'm pretty sure that the only reason Jerk Cameron decided to bash gays was to garner attention for his new so called movie. But that doesn't make him any less of an asshat.

  4. And what the "Big O" left out of her statement was... "No one does it better than me Bitch!"

  5. Smash is coming back? Why?

  6. Bob,

    I don't watch most of the shows you refer to in your post but I still love your take on them. As far as Rosie's show, which I haven't seen (and there is the reason it got cancelled), I think if she would lighten up on the tromping bull-dyke image, she would go over better. Most people probably don't care that she is gay (look at Ellen Degeneres) but Rosie's over the top butchness turns me off the same way a gay guy who his prissing it up all over the stage would turn me off.

    I feel like my head is going to explode every time I read or hear that "let the voters decide for same sex marriage." That is SO STUPID. Since when do we put equal rights to a vote in this country? Now I guess. For chrissakes. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    Kirk Cameron. He and his ilk of the "hate the sin love the sinner" also make my head want to explode. Don't do me any favors Kirk with your patronizing bullshit.

  7. Kirk what's his name, oh yeah Cameron....I have seen his face more this month than all the times I watched what-ever the hell show on which he was a child actor back in the day.
    His children must be so proud!


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