
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One Million Moms Cry "Uncle!!!"

Monica Cole, director of One Million Moms--which, according to their Facebook 'Likes' is really just 45,000 Moms--has announced that the group has given up their planned boycott of JCPenney's over their decision to hire openly gay Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson.

Cole says only time will tell whether JCP's decision to have Ellen as its spokesperson was a good business decision: "But we have heard back from so many of our members [45,000, not 1,000,000]. We have heard back from men and women--not just moms--saying they will no longer shop there at JC Penney, as long as Ellen DeGeneres is their spokesperson....Everyone works hard for their money, and they want to spend their money with companies that have the same values as them. And JC Penney stated that Ellen DeGeneres shares the same values that they do. So obviously, it's not the same as Christians or conservatives, which is unfortunate [because] JC Penney was founded by a Christian man."
Hey Monica? Your little boycott failed. Ellen is still there. The ads are high-larious, and because of your hatred, which you mask as Christianity, more and more people are shopping at JCP.

Fair and square, bitch.


  1. Bob,

    I find it incredible that ignoramuses like Monica Cole have a public forum. I have two words for her:

    Anita Bryant

  2. I went to JCPenny to buy new work clothes BECAUSE they hired Ellen. Not because she is a lesbian but because she is a very decent loving generous tolerant respectful person - seems to me those words are supposed to describe Christians (guess not). Too bad I won't be alive a few generations from now to see Christians become a small minority - dare I say Cult.

  3. This woman is such an asshole. Look at her evil little face--like a demon from hell. The demon of ignorance and bigotry. *shiver*

  4. Those "christians" can spend or not spend their money where ever they like. Chances are they all shop at Walmart anyway.

    We have HRC to suggest what business to support, though they rate businesses on workplace policies toward LGBT employees and equality rather than exclusion and hate. Big difference.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The World Will Change When People Stand-up and Say "NO MORE' to Discrimination, Hatred and Bigotry. Join Us and Become "One in a Million". (re-posts appreciated).


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