
Monday, March 19, 2012

Indiana Revokes LGBT Youth Group's License Plate

It was scarcely two months ago when i posted about Indiana and South Carolina offering pro-LGBT license plates [see post HERE]. The Indiana plate would benefit Indiana Youth Group, which helps LGBTQ youth in the state. The South Carolina plate supports SC Equality.
Good news, except ... in Indiana, homophobe, bigot, Republican, of course, state senators got their wish when the Bureau of Motor Vehicles [BMV] revoked revoked the Indiana Youth Group's specialty license plate for violating "state law and Indiana Administrative Code" by giving donors low number plates.

These asshatted legislators, who apparently have nothing better to offer their state because Indiana is doing just fine, thankyouverymuch, in unemployment, housing, the environment, the economy, had wanted to backdoor....and I'll let that pun just lie there like an Indiana state legislator....legislation targeting the group's specialty plate, but their constituents wanted no part of it.

So, they, um, listened to the people who put them in office? No. Republican State Senate President Pro Tempore and Grand Poobah Asshat, David Long, found a new "solution" by demanding the BMV revoke the plate on contractual grounds.

A press release issued by the BMV notes, "After the Senators brought this violation to our attention, the BMV reviewed the websites of all other organizations currently participating in the Special Group Recognition License Plate Program and found that the Greenways Foundation and the Indiana 4-H Foundation have also violated state law and administrative code by publicizing the sale of low-digit special group license plates for their respective organizations."

So, these morons punished the Greenways Foundation and the 4-H Foundation as kind of collateral damage in their campaign against LGBTQ youth.

Typical GOP.

Don't do what your constituents want, just stomp on LGBT community. 

via Bilerico

1 comment:

  1. Like it's not hard enough being a gay youth in Indiana ...


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