
Thursday, February 02, 2012

One Million Moms, or Hate Group? Um, Yeah, Hate Group

I love these groups with their sweet as apple pie, homey sounding names, like One Million Moms, who are really nothing more than a bunch of anti-gay hags sitting around cauldrons throwing in the heart of a newt--and not a Gingrich, i must say--to bash anyone and everyone who believes in equality.
These Mothers, or these motherfuckers, are going after JCPenney for hiring "openly homosexual" Ellen DeGeneres as their new spokesperson.
Seriously. So, here's what you need to do: 

  • Call JCPenney's customer service at (972) 431-8200.
  • Call JCPenney's corporate headquarters at (972) 431-1000.
  • Click here to sign a GLAAD petition to thank JCPenney for making the right choice.
  • Share on Twitter: RT @glaad: Will you #StandUpForEllen? Support @TheEllenShow and give a big Thanks to @jcpenney for making the right choice
Tell the One Million Moms to eff off.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I doubt there's one million moms in this group. I'm willing to bet it's a handful of wealthy donors just like NOM.

  2. As a mom, who has the TIME for this kind of stuff?? Ladies, your kids' jeans have holes in them. Go to Penney's and get some more.

  3. these moms need to get laid and have a slice of pizza

  4. Yeah, they're going to save the world from the gays. I only have two words for them: Anita Bryant


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