
Friday, February 24, 2012

I Didn't Say It........

Martin O'Malley, Maryland's hottie pro-equality governor, on the passage of marriage equality:
"I'd like to thank Senate President Miller for his leadership and our legislators in the Senate for their hard work and their vote today for human dignity. All children deserve the opportunity to live in a loving, caring, committed, and stable home, protected equally under the law. The common thread running through our efforts together in Maryland is the thread of human dignity; the dignity of work, the dignity of faith, the dignity of family, the dignity of every individual. Thanks to our elected leaders, clergy and faith-based leaders, community leaders, civic organizations, civil rights groups, and citizens from across our state, Maryland will now be able to protect individual civil marriage rights and religious freedom equally."

'Nuff said.

Dan Savage, on newly outed Sheriff Paul Babeu:
"In this political climate, with 'conservative' now synonymous with political homophobia, a man who claims to be a 'true conservative' doesn't just default straight. He defaults bigoted. Conservative voters will assume he holds anti-gay political beliefs and they will expect him to vote anti-gay should he be elected to office. So Sheriff Babeu stood to benefit politically—and may have actively sought to benefit politically—from the assumption that he was 1. straight and 2. anti-gay."

Nothing good come from being closeted.
And if you're willing to lie about yourself, you're willing to lie about anything.
It's that Get Elected At Whatever Cost mentality.

Newt "Chucky" Gingrich, on Mittsy dropping out of the race if he loses his home state of  Michigan--though the same doesn't apply to him if he loses Georgia:
"If he can't carry his home state, I think the rationale for why is there a Romney candidacy - he's not a candidate of ideas. He's not a candidate of ideologies....Given the chaos of this race, I wouldn't say anything, but it's - but I'm certainly willing to say I think it's extraordinarily important to carry your home state. And also has an underlying impact if you don't."

Oh Chucky. Long before Mittsy loses in November, you'll have dropped out of the race and found some new plaything to schtup.
And we'll all be saying, Told you so.

Ricky Martin, on marriage:
"I wish people understood that love manifests in different ways. Allow me to have my life and I won't mess with yours. That's when I struggle and get angry and punch the table. And then I talk. Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.' Trust me, everybody is asking me when I'm going to get married. People that I don't know are pushing it. But it's not something that we're talking about."

I used to be annoyed with Ricky, when he was a closeted little gay man. i wanted him to come out because I thought, by doing so, he might help any number of young gay men feel good about themselves.
But Ricky keeps going one step further, using his voice and his influence for equality.
Thanks Ricky.

Newt "Chucky" Gingrich--again....he's trying to stay relevant--on religion and Obama:
"I think that it's very clear that this is an administration which believes that secular government--they believe that the President is superior to the Pope in the ability to define what the church is allowed to do. Obama's position, which is truly dishonest--this new compromise is, I mentioned Orwell's '1984.' This is Orwellian . We have been through a fifty year period, starting in the 1960s, in which the courts, and the bureaucracies, and now the politicians have waged war on religious freedom in America. And I think we need to understand this is just one more phase in an ongoing assault on Christianity and on Judaism and on organized religion by secularists who believe that they have the right to get between man and God."

Um, Newt, you serial fucker? In this country the President is superior to the Pope.
Or, if you won the office--which is so funny it makes my sides hurt--would you install the Pope--and all his Pedophile Priests--into government.
Separation of church and state, Chucky.
Say it with me.

Bill Maher, on the GOP:
"Unemployment is down, confidence is up, DOW 5,000 above Bush - or as Republicans put it, let's talk about gay people and abortion!"

Every four years the GOP runs for office not on the issues of the day--war, unemployment, the economy, the environment--but on fear.
It strikes me funny that the party that wants smaller government also wants that smaller government in every aspect of daily life.

Gary Cass, head of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, doing the Gays Are Nazi's goosestep:
"Contrary to what many people may think, the homosexual movement is not filled with some harmless little group of wispy effeminate gays sipping lattes who just want to be left alone. Rather, the leaders of the homosexual movement are in fact some of the most powerful, aggressive and influential individuals in America. They have taken seriously what the homosexual philosopher Nietzsche, Hitler’s inspiration, espoused, that 'the will to power' is what really makes a person great."

Wow, first he uses that age-old stereotype about gay folks, and then he calls us Nazis.
See, you need to be a'scurred of us because we're wispy little femmes drinking all the lattes, but then you also need to worry about us because we are the most powerful group in the world.
Which is it, Gary?
Are we heading to Starbucks or taking over the world?

Neil Abercrombie, governor of Hawaii, filed his answer to a lawsuit challenging Hawaii's ban on same-sex marriage: 
"Under current law, a heterosexual couple can choose to enter into a marriage or a civil union. A same-sex couple, however, may only elect a civil union. My obligation as Governor is to support equality under law. This is inequality, and I will not defend it."

Nice to see a governor of Hawaii stand up for what's right.
Inequality doesn't work. It's just separate but equal, and that didn't turn out very good, did it?

Alan Simpson, former senator from Wyoming, on Rick Santorum's homophobia:
"He said, 'I want a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage,' and they said, 'Well, what about the people who are already married?' And he said, 'Well, they would be nullified.' I mean what is, what's human, what's kind about that? We're all human beings, we all know or love somebody who's gay or lesbian so what the hell is that about? To me it's startling and borders on disgust."

Too true.
Rick Santorum portrays himself as a man of god, then in his next breath denigrates anyone who doesn't fall into line with his limited worldview.
He dangerous, because he's stupid. And sometimes stupid has a lot of followers.

Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie, calling Obama a coward about marriage equality:
"The President is silent on this like he’s silent on every issue that’s difficult for him. [...] Let’s have the President of the United States show some courage, come on this program, look into the camera like I’m looking into the camera, and state his position. He won’t because he wants to have it both ways. I’m not looking to have it both ways, I vetoed the bill. That’s my position. What I’ve offered to the supporters of same-sex marriage is if one of your reasons for why I should have voted signed it was because you’re telling me the majority of the people of New Jersey want it, then prove it. Put it on the ballot and prove it. At least I’m standing up for what I believe in. The President has hidden on this issue, Jonathan, he’s hidden on it….This is the type of cowardice that we don’t want."

But, um, you blowhard? Do we want someone who will deny us equality, outright say we don't deserve it? Someone who would put the rights of one American up for a vote by the rest of America?
You're an asshat, Krispy.


  1. Bob,

    Did you see Jonathan Capeheart try to reasonably discuss with Bully Christie yesterday on "Morning Joe?" I really believe that Chris Christie knows he is in the wrong by his stand in urging civil rights to be put to a vote. He knows it.

  2. Also saw Jonathan Capeheart take on Gov. Christie :-)

  3. That was a good exchange, but I think Krispy Kreme is too full of himself to change his mind so soon.

  4. There is an old Yiddish saying that applies to Newt Gingrich: Nisht geshtoygen und nisht gefloygn. The meaning is that something is an unbelieveable tale; the literal meaning is that it didn't hop up and it didn't fly; as in "Christ didn't hop up on the cross, and he didn't fly to heaven."

    This is my feeling towards Gingrich. He isn't winning primaries or converts and he isn't going to the White House.

  5. I love the Bill Maher quote!

  6. There's quite a few gay rugby teams I'd like for Gary Cass to say this to. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to head to Starbucks because I need a macchiato.

  7. Bob,

    I really like Dan Savage (and Ron Reagan - I sometimes gets them mixed up). I wish they were on cable more often. Both of them aren't afraid to tell it like it is. I would love to see Dan in a debate with Christie.


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