
Friday, February 10, 2012

I Didn't Say It........

Ellen Degeneres, on One Million Moms trying to force JCPenney to fire her as spokesperson:
"Normally, I try not to pay attention to my haters—but this time I'd like to talk about it, because my haters are my motivators. This organization doesn't think I should be the spokesperson because I'm gay. They wanted to get me fired, and I'm proud and happy to say that JCPenney stuck by their decision to make me their spokesperson. Which is great news for me because I also need some new crew socks. I'm really going to clean up with this discount.....but I really want to thank everyone who is supporting me. Here are the values I stand for. I stand for honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you'd want to be treated and helping those in need.To me, those are traditional values. That's what I stand for...I also believe in dance."

It's sad that an organization can call themselves Moms when they really are just a mob of bigots. Well, here's some news for you "Moms": we're here, we're queer, and, some of us, shop at JCPenney.
And some of us will shop there more now that JCP has stood up to your bigotry.
I need some new crew socks, too.

Ron Johnson, JCPenney CEO  on the One Million Moms controversy and Ellen DeGeneres:
"We don't look at it like a controversy. One of the great things about America is people can speak their mind. And you know, the organization that believes one thing has spoken and it was great to see Ellen share her views yesterday. And we stand squarely behind Ellen as our spokesperson and that's a great thing. Because she shares the same values that we do in our company. Our company was founded 110 years ago on the golden rule, which is about treating people fair and square, just like you would like to be treated yourself. And we think Ellen represents the values of our company and the values that we share."

I'll definitely be spending more of my Gay Dollars from my Gay Paycheck that I get from my Gay Job at Gay-Cee Penney.
Fair and square.
Karl Lagerfeld, on Lana del Ray, and Adele: 
"I prefer Adele and Florence Welch. The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice."

What can you expect from some cadaver-looking-fashion-designing-vampire-wannabe that's used to working with bags of bones to say?
Have a sandwich and a long nap, Karl. It's time for you to fade away.

Brian Raum, Senior Counsel for Alliance Defense Fund, laying blame on Hollywood and San Francisco for the Prop 8 ruling:
"We are not surprised that this Hollywood-orchestrated attack on marriage–-tried in San Francisco–-turned out this way. But we are confident that the expressed will of the American people in favor of marriage will be upheld at the Supreme Court. Every pro-marriage American should be pleased that this case can finally go to the U.S. Supreme Court. The legal team’s arguments align with every other federal appellate and Supreme Court decision on marriage in American history."

Hmm, Brian, so Hollywood is to blame for this? And San Francisco?
Might be sound logic, but what about Iowa? Are you gonna blame farmers next because Iowans aren't goosestepping along with your hate agenda? or, maybe it's the corn?
Get over your whining. Find a new "threat" to America. And STFU.
Oh, but first, remember that the Supreme's usually stand by the Ninth Circuit Court rulings.

Shannon Minter, legal counsel for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, on the Prop H8 ruling:
"Given the reasoning of the Ninth Circuit's decision and its focus on the specific circumstances that led to the enactment of Prop 8 in California, it may be a tall order for the supporters of Prop 8 to persuade the Supreme Court to take the case. The Supreme Court normally only accepts cases when different federal appellate courts have reached opposite conclusions on the same legal issues, or where a decision has broad national implications. The Ninth Circuit's California-focused decision presents neither of those circumstances. Unless the Supreme Court breaks with its own tradition and intervenes in the case, it's possible that wedding bells will be ringing in California again before the end of the year."

Note to Shannon: Let Brain Raum [see above] in on this news.
He thinks discrimination has a leg upon which to stand.

Francis Bean Cobain, on her mother, Courtney Love:
"[She] has taken drugs for as long as I can remember. She basically exists now on…Xanax, Adderall, Sonata and Abilify, sugar and cigarettes. She rarely eats… She often falls asleep in her bed while she is smoking, and I am constantly worried that she will start a fire--which she has done at least three times--that will threaten our lives."

I know Francis is no longer a child, but still , what a horrible way for a child to view her parent--even if that parent is Courtney love.
One hopes Love hears her daughter's words and tries to clean up her act.
One hopes.

Liza, on her mama, Judy:
"The biggest misconception people have about my mother is that she was so unhappy. I think people enjoy thinking that -- some of them, anyway. They see the tragedy as opposed to the fact that she understood how to play tragedy. I remember somebody at school once said something really mean about her: 'Oh, Judy does too much of this or that, she drinks too much.' And I came home from school crying; my mother asked me what was wrong and I told her. And then she said, 'You know what? You let everybody say what they're gonna say, and we'll go get a hamburger.'"

It could be seen as denial on Judy's part.
Or it could just be a mother trying to protect her child.

Maureen Dowd, on Newt's second mistress, and third wife, Callista:
"The 45-year-old Callista has created an entirely new model for a spouse, standing mute in her primary color suits and triple-strand pearls looking at the 68-year-old Newt for the whole event, her platinum carapace inclined deferentially toward his shaggy gray mane. While a trophy wife is admired by her man, the admiring eyes of a Transformational Wife are there to propel her man to the next level. And when a woman who wants to be a Transformational Wife merges with a man who calls himself a Transformational Figure, you can expect a narcissistic blastoff."

Dowd really cuts to the point.
What is Callista's agenda? To be First Lady? Because that won't happen.
One can dream that when Newt crashes and burns, that Callista will find a young piece to cheat with, and Newt will feel the sting of Karma.
Of course, whomever she beds would have to deal with helmet hair.

Daniel Radcliffe, on marriage equality:
"Don't define yourself by your sexuality, don't define as straight or gay, define yourself as people and help another person if they're in trouble. The ultimate reason gay marriage should be legalized everywhere is because, as a kid, you look to your mum and dad and they're married, then you look at the gay couple who've been together for the same amount of time, but because they can't get married their relationship doesn't seem the same. Yes, gay marriage is about symbolically blessing a relationship, but the larger issue is about transmitting a fundamental message about equality."

That's exactly the issue.
Separate but equal doesn't work. We tried it before and realized it's a huge mistake, and yet here we are still pushing that agenda.
Equality is equality is equality.
Madison Galluccio, fifteen years old, at the hearing before New Jersey's House Judiciary Committee on marriage equality:
"I do have to say that New Jersey has made me feel discriminated, like I'm some sort of outcast. But guess what New Jersey? I'm no outcast. I am Madison Galluccio, and I am part of the Galluccio family. My parents will be married, and I will make sure that this happens till the day that I die. So please, will you help me? Help me feel equal. We aren't different. I'm not different. And I shouldn't have to be forced to feel like I'm different. This is my family, and I want us to be able to have the same rights as you. So NJ, please give me my freedom."

This speaks to exactly what Radcliffe was saying. Her family is viewed as different than others, as less than a heterosexual couple, simply because she has two dads.
How anyone can say that is the way it should be is completely wrong.

Patrick Wooden, "pastor", drag queens are of Satan:
"In the name of entertainment and jest Satan has caused many to buy a whole lot of wickedness, he’s made great inroads in the name of entertaining us and people flock out because there are those, and I’m talking about good hearted people, they flock out because they love Madea, they love the Tyler Perry movies that feature Madea, but I’m saying to them that Madea is the latest version of RuPaul it is selling perversion and drag to the African American community and I pray that the overwhelming majority, and I see evidence of it, are not buying that perversion."

Drag queens were here long before your showed up "pastor", and they'll be here long after you shut your yap.
Maybe Tyler Perry will do a drag version of you in his next film?

Scott Lively, "pastor", on the Rainbow Flag:"
"When you see the gay pride parade going down the street in the major cities, what banner are they flying over them? They're flying the banner of the rainbow. What is the rainbow? The rainbow is God's covenant with man never to destroy the Earth by water again ... In fifty years we have seen this tiny group of people--they really only represent about two percent of the population--that has grown from being a reviled subculture to now having more power in the legislatures and courtrooms of the world than the Christian church does. In fifty years! Nothing has ever grown that fast globally, nothing. Not Islam, not Darwinism, not Marxism, nothing has ever grown that fast. Which shows you that this is a spiritual phenomenon that is unparallelled and that's why God has selected it, singled out this particular behavior to be the indicator of extreme apostasy, the furthest edge of deviance and the warning sign that things are in really, really bad shape."

First off, you pigfucking asshat, we are not 2%. That's milk. We're more like 10%, and that doesn't include our straight allies. So, get your facts straight.
Secondly, we don't have power in the Legislature, but if we did, we definitely should have more power than the Christian church because the church has no place in politics.
And thirdly, you effing douche, if the rainbow is the symbol of "God's" plan not to flood the Earth, than y'all should be happy we're carrying it.
We're keepiong the dream alive.


  1. Harry Potter, what a sweetie!

  2. "...we are not 2%. That's milk. We're more like 10%". I think even that number is too low because it doesn't include the vast numbers of gay people who are married to opposite sex partners, living in denial so deep they practically go their whole lives before realizing they are gay.

  3. Clearly the under-25 crowd has their shit far more together than the fogies on the list.

  4. I'm such a fan of Daniel Radcliffe's! It's nice to see young people (that are the same age as my children) that can think for themselves, and articulate it!


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