
Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Devil Went Down To The Georgia Legislature

Tanya Ditty is the head of the Georgia chapter of Concerned Women for America so you know just by the name that it's some kind of backwoods, anti-gay hate group. I mean, don't those groups always hide behind Mom-and-Apple-Pie sounding names?
This week Tanya Ditty spoke before a subcommittee of the Georgia House Judiciary Committee on House Bill 630, AKA the State Fair Employment Practices Act, on why legislators should vote down employment protection for the state's LGBT employees.
And she went all kinds of bigoted, mixed in with ignorant, stirred up with convoluted non-facts and then topped off with a boatload of pot-stirring, fear-mongering hate. 
In her little chat, where she talked about being "concerned" she compared gays and lesbians to pedophiles, necrophiliacs and zoophiliacs. Yes, she says being gay means you want to fuck children, corpses, and sheep, or goats, or horses get the idea. 
Ditty cited a “14 to 15 page research paper which is heavily documented” [read it HERE] that lists a half dozen sexual fetishes which she dubs “sexual orientations.”--people are born to fuck dead bodies, I guess. She then used that old standby, fear, to claim that if Georgia state employment protections were enacted for LGBT persons, all kinds of sexual deviants would rule the streets, raping Georgia schoolchildren in the classroom and sheep in the pastures, and corpses in the morgues.
Cuz that's what gay folks do.
People are calling for Ditty to apologize, but I wouldn't even expect a non-apology-apology from the likes of her. Her bigotry is too deeply ingrained. Her hatred feeds on her soul every day. Her irrational fear of the LGBT community has stifled any common sense she once may have possessed.
You know, there are days when I think South Carolina is the most bass-ackwards state in the country, and then I see what's coming out of Tennessee these days and i realize we aren't even on the bottom of the intolerant heap. You toss in states like Georgia and their moronic legislators and birther courts and Concerned Women like Tanya Ditty, and South Carolina looks practically liberal.

via GA Voice


  1. I often wonder at the amount of time spent pondering, thinking, wallowing around in these *studies*.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I wonder what voucher school system she learned all of this hate and intolerance from?


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