
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Chris Writes To Chris

Unlike our President, Chris Gregoire has evolved on the issue of marriage equality, so much so, that she set aside her own religious beliefs, and battled for same-sex marriage in Washington. And won. Gregoire signed the law into effect on Monday--though it still faces a repeal vote, perhaps, in November.
So, naturally, as we are watching New Jersey tackle the question of full equality for all its citizens,. Gregoire decided to write a letter to New Jersey Governor Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie, who has vowed to veto any marriage equality bill that crosses his desk.
In Gregoire's letter, dated January 31, 2012, she tells of her own issues with her role as governor and her Catholic beliefs, and then ends by saying, “If you would like to talk, please give me a call.” 
Krispy Kreme has not responded. His mind, apparently unlike his mouth in a room full of donuts, is closed. This is no way to govern, to sit close-minded, refusing to respond, to listen, to hear, what people are saying. Christie is nothing but a petulant not-so-little child who refuses to listen to anyone bother than his base of right-wingnuts, Conservatives, and evangelicals. He's out of touch and will soon find himself out of office.

via ThinkProgressLGBT


  1. Governor Gregoire (I just can't call her Chris!) is in her last year in office here. It is another wild card to throw in the mix this November.

  2. What some of these politicians (Dems and Reps alike) don't understand is that when they do the Right Thing by not standing in the way of equal rights of ALL of our citizens, the public will back them. They are fighting the tide of history. I always find it amazing that we gays have so much power to scare the crap out of so many politicians. After all, doesn't it all come down to their fear of oral and anal sex? That is what we're talking about isn't it at the core of their fear? Someone needs to reassure them that sex is consensual. No one is going to get butt fucked unless they end up in prison with Bubba as a roommate.


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