
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cardinal Withdraws His Apology For The Catholic Sex-Abuse Scandal

Y'all know about the Catholic Church, its Bishops and Cardinals and Popes, right? 
A bunch of old drag queens in sequined gowns, showgirl headdresses and Prada slip-ons who protect pedophiles instead of the children they rape?
Yeah. Them.
Well, one of those delusional, goose-steppers is Cardinal Edward Egan who, roughly ten years ago, penned a letter that apologized for the Catholic Church's handling of the child rapist scandal. Now, however, he's taking that apology back. 
Uh huh, Cardinal Edward "Aiding and Abetting" Egan now says, apparently with a straight face, that the handling of the priest-abuse crisis under his watch was “incredibly good” and said, of the letter, "I never should have said that....I don’t think we did anything wrong.”
Hmm, didn't do anything wrong? Let me get this queer. A child, or parent of a child, comes forward and tells you that a priest has raped, molested, groped or abused their child, and your response is to hide the priest and ask the victims to be quiet and that was an "incredibly good" way to handle the mess.
Egan also claims that the Catholic Church was under no obligation to report abuse to the civil authorities, and yet, Cardinal, there have been laws on the books since the 1970s that require the Church to report abuse. But then, in your eyes, there was no abuse, because there was no priest, because he was moved to a different parish to rape other children.
This comes as no surprise when one listens to Egan speak. He has arrogantly claimed: “I never had one of these sex abuse cases. If you have another bishop in the United States who has the record I have, I’d be happy to know who he is.” 
Back in the day, Bishop Egan ran a diocese that was notoriously dangerous for children. In fact, contrary to his claim, during his twelve-year reign of terror at Bridgeport, Egan repeatedly failed to investigate priests, even when there were obvious signs of abuse, forcing his diocese to settle the cases and award victims some $12-15 million in damages. 
In 1990, in fact, Egan learned, through "a developing pattern of accusations,” that Rev. Charles Carr had fondled young boys. Egan, doing "incredibly good" work, kept Carr working for another five years, and only suspended the pedophile priest after a lawsuit was filed. In 1999 Egan made Carr a chaplain at Danbury's hospital.
And also during his, ahem, "reign", Egan listened as dozens of people accused Rev. Raymond Pcolka of sexual abuse and violence against children. Egan claimed that the accusers were never "proved" to be telling the truth because Egan never interviewed a single one and kept Pcolka in ministry. His head, while probably wearing one of those showgirl head-pieces, was conveniently buried in the sand. 
Now, to be fair, Egan did punish some priests.He punished, and evicted, any Catholic priest that said the Traditional Latin Mass if he thought those didn't pay him sufficient deference. 
So, is Egan the exception, or is Egan the rule. Is "Cardinal" Edward Egan a symptom or cause of the disease of pedophilia that permeates the Church all over the world. Grown men, dressed in the finest robes, doused with jewels, turning a blind eye to children being raped.
The Catholic Church has aided and abetted and protected child rapists for decades, and Little Eddie Egan is one of the worst.



  1. It doesn't matter. He had his fingers crossed when he gave the apology in the first place.

  2. My college roomie was molested by her priest.

  3. You would think a religious organization as vast as the Roman Catholic Church would not be so willing to put its foot in its mouth and be perceived as such a monster.

  4. It is never too late to NOT do the right thing.

  5. Never trust a man who wears a white satin dress trimmed in gold and jewels.

  6. I'd really like to say I'm surprised, but this kind of thing has been going on since the Medieval history. The church only shows its hand when it's afraid of being seen as bad. Unfortunately, the church doesn't know any other way. It's age blinds it to it's continued irrelevancy.


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