
Friday, January 27, 2012

Today's Birthdays

Alan Cumming; actor, director, author, out gay man
Keith Olbermann; journalist 
Mikhail Baryshnikov; ballet dancer 
Troy Donahue; actor, out gay man
Bobby Bland; musician 
Donna Reed; actress
Jerome Kern; Broadway composer
Lewis Carroll; author
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; composer
Bob; blogger, snark expert, out gay man.
Such illustrious company in which I find myself. 


  1. Don't know who all those other people are. But BOB?!? Wow, Bob's birthday?!? This should be a national... hell, international... holiday. Hope you're having a wonderful day. And, now that you're finally old enough to have a drink in a bar, I hope you'll go out and enjoy yourself. Happy birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Bob!!! Hope that you rock it like Amadeus! Huggles xoxo

  3. Well, happy birthday there, fella! Illustrious company indeed - we always knew you were special. Have a fabulous day!

  4. Happy birthday!
    I guess we here in europe are up earlier and get to comment first.....while ya'll sleep.

    I hope your day is great!

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Happy Birthday Bob!

    Troy is actually a very distant relative. One of those second cousins once removed types - whatever that means.

  6. Happy Birfday Bob!!

  7. Today is also Brother Bunny's birthday.

    Happy birfday, dear blogson!!


  8. Many happy returns of the day, Bob - with whatever topping you choose!

    I didn't know two of the names on your list - but I see that is irrelevant now I know that you're included.
    Hope you have a VERY special birthday.
    Sincere best wishes to you - and give your pussy a few gentle strokes from me, will you?

  9. Happy Birthday! And with such illustrious company! No wonder you're so faaaaabulous!!! :)

  10. Troy Donahue is Gay??? Damn I didn't know that.

  11. Happy Birthday, Bob!! Awesome company they're in! :-)

  12. Happy Birthday, Dearest Bob!!!! I wish we lived closer, I'd take you out, we could have drinks and be catty and snarky about all these asshats and fame whores, and then go to a strip joint!!!!

  13. Happy Birthday,Bob.
    Troy Donohue wasn't gay, and he died in 2001. You're probably thinking about Tab Hunter, who is gay, and still alive. Although, it is Troy's birthday, and not Tab's.
    Happy Birthday to you all!

  14. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  15. Happy Birthday! Holding up an herbal tea in your honor--cheers!

  16. Happy Birthday!

    That's mighty impressive company.

  17. Wow, you got good ones! All I got is Michael Jackson and John McCain. :(

    Hope it was a wonderful day! XOXO


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