
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Random Musings

Rick Perry says Obama disdains the military because he wants to pursue criminal charges against the soldiers who urinated on dead Taliban members.
Yes, Rick, we all know how "American" it is to piss on dead bodies.
UPDATE: Just two days before our....drum roll....FIRST IN THE SOUTH....primary, Miss Ricky Perry has dropped out of the race. 
Now, he can take his self-loathing homophobia, and his bigoted asshatted rants back to Texas, where, one hopes, the people will be so embarrassed by him that they keep him from every running for office in that state again.

Tuesday night is Must Drool TV.
White Collar is back.Matt Bomer. 
He is so suave and debonair and hot, and, well, quietly gay in real life with a husband and two kids.
Plus, he'll be playing a male stripper in an upcoming movie. I'm hoping he'll go Full Bomer.
Justified is back, too.Timothy Olyphant. 
He is just plain sex. Tight, tight Levis and a Stetson.
Tuesdays are Yummy Days.
And getting hotter, too.

Who knew?
Karen Santorum, AKA Missus Frothy Mix, is as rabidly anti-choice as her husband, and yet, that wasn't always the case.It seems that during her 20s, Missus Frothy sin....with Tom Allen, a Pittsburgh obstetrician and abortion provider, 40 years her senior. And, adding odd on top of odd, Dr. Allen has known Missus Frothy, born Karen Garver, her entire life: he delivered her in 1960.
Of course, after ending her relationship with Allen, she married Frothy and became a born again bigot who smiles when she says she hates the gays.
Who knew?

Progressive activists have submitted nearly twice as many signatures as required to force Wisconsin's anti-gay, Republican wingnut, Governor Scott Walker into a recall election. They needed 500,000, they collected more than a also submitted about 300,000 more signatures than were needed to trigger a recall election against Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch. An over-abundance of signatures was also collected to spur a recall of four Republican state senators, including Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.Um, buh-bye.

Mark Wahlberg says he would have stopped the 9/11 terrorists on Flight 93: "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.'"
Wow, while pumping up his own ego, he downplays and denigrates the men and women on board that flight who gave up their lives so the terrorists couldn't use the plane as yet another 9/11 weapon.
Nice going Marky.
Sidenote: Wahlberg has since apologized for being a douche.

I'm a huge Meryl Streep fan.Carlos is a huge Margaret Thatcher fan.Naturally, we had to see The Iron Lady. And it did not disappoint. While the film had been criticized for playing up Thatcher's Alzheimer's, I thought it really helped tell her story. And Streep, as expected, was fabulous.Still, on the ride home, I created my own movie mash-up in my head; The Iron Lady and Mommie Dearest.Two scenes came to mind: one, in which the Berlin Wall was about to tumble, and Maggie T went off to Germany, took one look at it and said, "Tear down that bitch of a Berlin Wall, and put democracy where democracy ought to be!"And the other, when Maggie T was being told the party was putting up someone to run against her: "Don't fuck with me, fellas! This isn't my first time at the rodeo!"That might have made for a really good film. Perhaps a DVD extra?? 
Or, maybe a new film? The Iron Mommie?

This came out a bit late for tomorrow's I Didn't Say It, but it's word putting up. 
Ladies and gentleladies, I give you the remarkable Dan Savage on Newt and his quest for an 'open marriage': "Technically you're not asking your wife for an open marriage if you've already been fucking another woman for six years. You're presenting her with an ultimatum. That doesn't make you a proponent of open marriage, Newt, it makes you a CPOS [cheating piece of sh*t]. But Newt's got a new campaign slogan: 'Screw as I say, not as I screw.'"


  1. It's been a whiplash kind of day. btw - WA is down to one senator having to make up his/her mind on the gay marriage bill. Trying to track down who it is.

  2. Timothy Olyphant has it REALLY going for him

  3. There is nothing better than following the GOP debate tweets Dan Savage puts out. Then again my feed never disappoints. I don't know why I didn't get into it sooner.


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