
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Musings

While on the set of the Graham Norton Show earlier today, Madonna revealed the title of her upcoming album, which is "M.D.N.A".
Um, I'd like to buy an 'O'.

Those wacky Catholics. They want to protect children, but allow child raping priests sanctuary. They want to work to feed the poor while they all dress like Vegas showgirls. They hate abortion, and they hate birth control. And gay adoption. And gays. And gay marriage.
And, on Boxing Day, the Bishop of Córdoba, Demetrio Fernández, uttered one of the most inane things I have ever heard a person who wasn't officially brain-dead say: 
"The Minister for Family of the Papal Government, Cardinal Antonelli, told me a few days ago in Zaragoza that UNESCO has a program for the next 20 years to make half the world population homosexual. To do this they have distinct programs, and will continue to implant the ideology that is already present in our schools."
Um, Bishop Asshat? You cannot make people gay. We are born gay. You, however, seemed to have chosen to be a bigoted frightened little man, in a big hat and red shoes.
Make people gay. Seriously?
Methinks your tiara is too tight.

So, Dexter and Homeland are over for the season and my Sundays were feeling a little lackluster.
Then I heard about Showtime's House Of Lies, starring Don Cheadle, and thought I'd take a look see.
It's brash, bold, profane, hyper-sexy, dirty, funny, thought-provoking, smart, well-acted.
And that's just Cheadle.
Seriously. It's gonna be good.

Okay, so this flier appeared this week and Mittsy's peeps got their flip-flops knocked for a loop. His spokesflunky disavowed the 2002 flier, allegedly distributed during Boston's Gay Pride festivities, saying it was not created by the campaign during Romney's run for governor.
Except..... Josh Barro, a former Romney campaign volunteer told BuzzFeed the flier calling for 'equal rights' was campaign literature. Flip. Flop.
And now Team Obama is hitting Romney for this flip-flop in an email from its LGBT coordinator Jamie Citron:
"The Mitt Romney who ran for U.S. Senate in 1994 promised voters in Massachusetts that he'd be a stronger advocate for LGBT rights than Senator Kennedy. And in 2002, while running for governor of Massachusetts, Romney's campaign passed out fliers for Pride Weekend, saying "All citizens deserve equal rights regardless of their sexual preference." Yesterday afternoon, Mitt Romney's current campaign actually disavowed that 2002 flier.You're probably wondering a few things. First, just exactly which part of that flier doesn't he agree with? And second, what could have possibly changed between yesterday morning (when Romney said he felt gays and lesbians deserved "full rights") and yesterday afternoon? Maybe he thinks that line won't play as well in the upcoming South Carolina primary?"
Oh Mittsy. Make up your effing mind on an issue and stick with it. Quick flip-flopping just to get elected.

Overheard at work:
New employee: Morning Bob!
Me: How long have you worked here?
New employee: This is my second week.
Me: Then you don't know the rules. I won't acknowledge you until you've been here six months.
New employee: Oh.
Me: See you in 22 weeks.

In an effort to make himself appear less rabidly anti-gay than he actually is, Rick 'Frothy Mix' Santorum said this at the the New Hampshire Republican Presidential Debate; January 7, 2012:  “I’m certainly not going to have a federal law that bans adoption for gay couples when there are only gay couples in certain states.” 
Um, Frothy? When you wish to appear less like a Googling drooling asshat, you might want to check your facts.
According to the US Census in 2010--the first time married same -sex couples were counted--there are same-sex couples living in 99% of the counties in this country.
See Rick, it's true. We're here, we're queer, and we're like the Visa card: we're everywhere you want to be.
Deal with it.

Top Chef: Texas. Restaurant Wars.
The guys went too subtle.
But Chris--I made a dessert--should have been knifed.
Ed needs a stylist.
Paul is Pia Z'adorable.
Tyler got the axe, er, knife.
The girls went bitchfest.
Lindsay should never be allowed access to the public.
Sarah was a bitch to Bev--is it me, or are the fat girls all mean to Bev.
Grayson was a team player.
Bev won. Take that bitches.


  1. Top Chef - the ladies disgraced my gender!!

  2. I agree fat girls are mean to Bev. The girls sucked but if one of the boys had to go home why could it have not been Chris with the stupid hair. I liked him the least.

  3. I like your style Bob, I DO like you style. We're on the same and I.

  4. Can't talk, I'm off to go watch House of Lies. Thanks for the tip.

  5. Matthew 19:24, all I'm saying.

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Bob, why so unfriendly to the new guy at work? Surely you've been the new guy, whether at work or when you moved across the country. Or have I missed an inside joke?

  7. @ Anonymous
    As usual, you've missed the joke, E.


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