
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh, Those Wacky Catholics! Again!!

I love the idiocy and hypocrisy of the Catholic Church. You know, how they say they want to protect children, but really they spend a great deal of time, and parishioner money, on protecting pedophiles. And they say they want to help the poor, but the High Priestess Pope dons glittering jeweled headdresses  and robes and Prada as she marches hither and yon, telling everyone else what to do.
Idiocy. Hypocrisy.
Now comes the story that an assistant bishop of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of Los Angeles has resigned because........wait for's rich......he has a secret family; and two teenage children.
Baby Daddy Gabino Zavala
Pope Benedict Arnold accepted the resignation of Gabino Zavala, an auxiliary bishop of just one of the Cathoioc diocese which have been plagued by sexual scandals. But Benny's announcement gave no reason for Zavala's resignation, saying only that the pope had accepted it under a Church law that says a bishop who is ill or otherwise unfit to carry out his duties should resign.
Ill. Or unfit. Or unmarried, with children.
However, Zavala's direct superior, Archbishop Jose Gomez wrote a letter to his flock explaining that Zavala has left the church because he was the father of two teenage children who live with their mother in another state.
Remember, the Catholic Church demands celibacy from its priests. It's funny, cuz they actually still say that!
Zavala's resignation is just another bump in the road for the diocese, which has already paid a $660 million settlement in 2007 for cases of sexual abuse going as far back at the 1940.
Six-hundred-sixty-million dollars. Think to yourself how many poor families and starving children could have benefited from the $660 million spent to compensate victims of child raping priests.
Idiocy. Hypocrisy. The Catholic Church.



  1. You're right. I wasn't raised Catholic, but my best friend is. We can't talk about everything else in life, but he will defend Catholicism to death. Makes no sense. It is so very hypocritical. I hope your 2012 is great

  2. I was raised Catholic, and was even confirmed. It didn't take. It's best not to ask explanations from a religion that says that a dry wafer and really nasty wine become human flesh and blood after a priest recites the magic words over them. The catholic church has no place for gay and lesbian parishioners. If you choose to remain faithful to Catholicism and have same sex attraction, you can either live a celibate life, or you cannot be Catholic; period.

  3. As an ex-Catholic (devoutly practising right up to my mid-20s) this is yet another story that takes the biscuit! If only there was a fraction of the energy spent on condemning divorce (to be accurate - and re-marrying where the former spouse is still alive), hetero extra-marital sex and artificial contraception as they do on gay sex and gay marriage, they'd be much more credible. But they won't. There are just too many people engaging in those first three nowadays that they'd be laughed at and ignored. So they concentrate on what they consider to be a 'softer' target because they know they'll have allies in other religions manifesting naked bigotry and hatred. Meanwhile their clergy can go on siring children almost with impunity - and that's all right then!
    (I can hardly wait for the next instalment of PAPAL BULL!)

  4. What Raybeard said... and then some!

  5. They are the real demons

  6. $660 million????? Something is seriously wrong with our system. I just don't understand all these monies everywhere being used for stupid shit and not on helping our own.


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