
Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Hampshire Wants To Legalize Hate

I may have to go up to New Hampshire, grab the legislature by their overalls and shake some sense into them.
See, a new bill has come before the Legislature that would allow people to refuse services to the LGBT community for religious or conscience reasons by putting an exemption in state marriage law. The proposed text says no person, including a business owner or employee, should be required to provide services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods or privileges for wedding services in "violation of the person's conscience or religious faith." The bill also would protect against lawsuits arising from refusal to provide those services.
Representative Frank Sapareto, a Republican of course, says, "We are concerned about clergy having to provide ceremonies against their belief."
Oh. It's just for clergymen. Well, then that's another.....what? Opponents say clergy already are protected under the law? They say that this bill would open the door for individuals, businesses--even government officials--to discriminate not only against gay couples, but those who are of different faiths?
Well, then, that's a dumbass of a different color.
New Hampshire? Seriously? You are going to pass a law to allow discrimination?
If this bullshiz passes in new Hampshire, a gas station could refuse to allow you to buy gas because you're gay, or Jewish, or, heck, just different. Flower shops could say no to The Gays. Town clerks or a judges could refuse to marry a gay couple, just because they disagree even though it's their job to do so.
Sapareto has drawn personal criticism because of the bill and actually complains that people are calling him a bigot: "They're completely intolerant."
They're intolerant? Pot. Kettle. Shut the fuck up.



  1. Commandment # 11 - Thou shalt not make a bigoted ass of thyself.

  2. There's more and more ridiculousness and hate legislation coming out of our Republican, tea-bagging,free-stater moronic legislators daily. Hell, we have 400 people in the House, and 24 int he Senate. Both have super majorities. Right now, we're kind of f@#ked, but there's always November! We're planning on getting rid of these @$$holes and replacing them with people of common sense.
    if you want to meet our crazy legislators in person, check them out:

  3. I agree with Stan. I think the asshats are really getting desperate. They're reaching for stars that don't exist.

    That being said, I wish I could discriminate against asshats where I work.


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