
Friday, January 06, 2012

I Didn't Say It........

Christine Gregoire, governor of Washington, making no bones about it:
“It’s time, it’s the right thing to do, and I will introduce a bill to do it. I say that as a wife, a mother, a student of the law, and above all as a Washingtonian with a lifelong commitment to equality and freedom. Some say domestic partnerships are the same as marriage. That’s a version of the discriminatory ‘separate but equal’ argument. Our gay and lesbian families face the same hurdles as heterosexual families—making ends meet, choosing what school to send their kids to, finding someone to grow old with, standing in front of friends and family and making a lifetime commitment. For all couples, a state marriage license is very important. It gives them the right to enter into a marriage contract in which their legal interests, and those of their children if any, are protected by well-established civil law.”

So, Chris Gregoire has "evolved" on the issue of marriage equality.
Your turn, Mr. President.

Dan Savage, on how the media should stop accepting homophobes' claims of having gay friends:
"Political reporters? When Elizabeth Santorum says, 'I have gay friends and they support my dad because they agree with him about family issues,' i.e. her dad's opposition to gay people having a families of their own, your immediate response should be a request for the names and phone numbers of some of these gay friends. Because that claim requires checking out before you put it in print or pixels. Reassure Elizabeth you'll quote her friends anonymously to protect them from potty-mouthed gay bloggers, they can talk to you on background or whatever, but tell her that you're going to need to verify the existence of these gay friends....Because you're a journalist, not a stenographer. You'll either catch Elizabeth Santorum in a revealing lie—what does it tell us about this moment in the struggle for LGBT equality that even homophobes like Elizabeth and her dad perceive a political risk in being perceived as homophobic?—or you'll land a fascinating interview."

You have to hand it to Dan. That's a question that should have been asked of Frothy's offspring.
And I, for one, would have liked to have seen all her so-called gay friends being trotted out and saying they agree with Rick Santorum about homosexuality being like men having sex with dogs.
It wouldn't happen because Elizabeth Santorum is as delusional as her daddy.

Donald Trump, on how he might run for president, even though he's already dropped out of the race once:
"I do have my ducks in line if I want to do it, but I’d love to see the Republicans pick somebody that was going to win and take over this country and frankly, to use the expression, make America great again.I think when somebody like Ron Paul gets such a large percentage of the vote potentially, I look at the polls, and I think it’s absolutely madness to even think about it. I just see the candidates go up and down, it’s like yo-yos, they go up and down, they’re gone, they’re forever forgotten, then they re-emerge. What’s going on is very strange. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it and I’ve been following politics for a long time."

Let's see....he tried as a Republican and was laughed out of the race months before the first caucus. And now he thinks he has a shot.
Work on your hair, Donny, that's your full-time job.

Newt Gingrich, on another of his amazing gifts:
"I’m an amateur paleontologist. I spend a lot of time looking at the Earth’s temperature for a very long time. I’m a lot harder to convince than just looking at a computer model."

Weather man.

Cry baby.
Yup, that sums it up.

Rick Santorum, saying that individual states should be allowed to ban contraception:
"The state has a right to do that, I have never questioned that the state has a right to do that. It is not a constitutional right, the state has the right to pass whatever statues they have. That is the thing I have said about the activism of the Supreme Court, they are creating rights, and they should be left up to the people to decide. You shouldn’t create constitutional rights when states do dumb things. Let the people decide if the states are doing dumb things get rid of the legislature and replace them as opposed to creating constitutional laws that have consequences that were before them."

Wow, he wants to alienate LGBT people and women.
Who's left to vote for Frothy now, except delusional wingnuts?

Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center For Lesbian Rights, on the Iowa Caucuses:
"In the repellent race to the bottom (no pun intended) it should be no surprise that Santorum did so well in the Iowa caucuses. Mitt Romney is in a major stall, and in a field of class clowns Rick Santorum stands out as particularly cartoonish....Santorum's win is not a referendum on who he is as a man (inhumane and ignorant), or who he is as a candidate (pandering and mean). It is simply the gasping statement of a thankfully dying breed of Americans--those who fear, loathe or hate anyone different from themselves, who mistrust or reject the idea that government can and should be a force for good, and who detest even the slightest exposure to information or ideas that challenge their world view."


Ken Hutcherson, anti-gay "pastor", on the coming of a marriage equality bill to Washington state:
"As long as the Bible says it's wrong, I'm going to fight against it like it's the last thing I can do. It's no different than any other sin. If someone walked around and said 'We want to be a minority because we are divorcees,' I would fight that just as much. It's going to infringe upon my freedom of religion. Every place this has become the law of the land, you are muzzled about what you can say about the issue of homosexuality."

The Bible says eating shrimp is wrong, too.
So is shaving, or cutting your hair.
Can't pick'n'choose which parts to believe in "pastor" because that would make you a moron.
Oh...............never mind.


  1. Shout to GovernorG -- hey!
    Ken Hutcherson tried to overturn 'everything but' and he failed at that so I'm hoping that he just keeps on being disappointed.

  2. I love Dan Savage's comment. How many times have we heard of these "gay friends"? what self-respecting gay would admit to being friends with them?

  3. Tell me Bob. How much fun are you having with the GOP and their candidates? Endless material
    I feel too, America is turning a corner and seeing just how ridiculously crazy the republican party has become. The whole party is just full of nut bags.

  4. Tug....they are like the gift that never stops giving!!!

  5. GOP candidate are like the cast of Jersey Shore

  6. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "You can't make this shit up!" - Kathy Griffin

  7. Yeah, Dan Savage. Like some of my best friends are homophobes.

  8. Oh, Bob, Baby,
    You are so on fire right now.....

  9. I think that Chris Gregoire's analogy to separate but equal is a great one, and this is a message that can be used to slap people up-side the head so they get it.


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