
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hate Speech Isn't Free

I'm all for Free Speech. I mean, a quick trip around my blog and you know I'm all for Free Speech. But Free doesn't have to mean stupid, ignorant or hateful...or even hate-filled.
Up in Tennessee, which seems to have a firm grip on irrational homophobia these days, there is a bill proposal by some state lawmakers to allow students to speak out against homosexuality, if that's what their religious beliefs call for.
You know, "Fags should die."
"You're gonna burn in Hell queer."
That kinda religious conviction.
Supporters say this is about protecting the Free Speech rights of students who want to express their views on homosexuality, but gay rights groups are calling it a "license to bully."
And that's what it is.
See, if you are a religious person, isn't here a little something about not casting stones unless you're free of sin? And then you couple that with the religious conviction that everyone is a sinner and, well, by that logic, you should never say anything negative about anyone.
Including, "Filthy fag."
And, um, Tennessee, if you want to legislate that people can say whatever they want under the guise of religious conviction, remember it works both ways.
Like, maybe, "Die Christian."
Or "There is no God."
People have the right to believe what they want and say what they want, but they need to choose their words carefully, and realize that Free Speech is a two-way street. You put out the negative and the hateful, you just might get it back. 
So, Tennessee, how about legislating that bullying is wrong, whether aimed at the gay kid, the fat kid, the allegedly gay kid, the skinny kid, the black kid, the Jewish kid, the Muslim kid, the Christian kid.
How about that, Tennessee?



  1. That reminded me of Voldemort - ripping his soul in parts - we know how he ended up...

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I don't understand all these "churches" that exist because someone decided to be a preacher. Because they say they're a church they don't have to pay taxes and can lie under the guise of the bible.

    Why don't we form a LGBT church and I don't mean MCC I mean a real "church" that worships at the local gym, drinks the latest cocktail and believes in love, friendship and redecorating the minds of the ignorant and bigoted.

    Is that too gay???

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I love to tell those who say I'll burn in hell that to burn there you have to believe it exists. I do not believe heaven or hell exist, nor do I believe that God, Jesus, Al'Lah, Yahweh, El Ohim, et al exist.

    The line in the Bible says God created man in his own image. I say they got the articles wrong. Man created God in his own image.

  4. I look forward to the first in-your-face challenge of the law in Tennessee. (What do you mean I can't say that ugly thing about that ugly church? Isn't that free speech?)

    I might possibly join Sean's church.

  5. Oh those hillbillies! They should all just go take a dip in the "see-ment pond" and cool off!

  6. The original idea of free speech was so a person could criticize the government and not get executed for it. Somehow, I don't think calling people names or saying hateful things was what it was intended for.

  7. Hiding behind free speech will only buy them time Bob. They know spewing hatred is not something that will be part of the civilized world in the future. They can feel it in their bones. They are doing it while they can, knowing eventually they will be silenced, criticized, ostracized, and forced into seclusion for what they think. I probably won't live to see that day, but it is nice to think about it and know that we are moving toward that end. Darkness wins most battles and causes endless suffering, but in the long run the light of this realm always wins the battles that matter most. As long as we keep that in all of our hearts and believe in our potential over our failings, the darkness of this universe can never truly win.

  8. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
    George Orwell

  9. Sorry, to tell you but so called "hate speech" is absolutely positively protected free speech unless it imminently, which is the key word, incites violence. So says the Supreme court. If you disagree read Brandenburg v. Ohio and RAV v Saint Paul for starters and get back to me. In RAV the court held that the local city ordinance prohibiting acts such as and including burning of a cross (the act in question) was unconstitutional. The decision was unanimous. So, your claim that so called "hate speech" is not free speech doesn't even come close to passing muster with the courts. Fortunately their opinion counts, not yours.

    Why are people like you so afraid of words? I suspect because you know many of the words are true and you want to silence the truth. Otherwise why worry about it? You and people who think like you are FAR more dangerous than any of the people spouting the "hate speech" you take such issue with. What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech..." confuses you? Perhaps the 14th amendment that applied the restriction to the states and local governments confuses you? Either way you are pretty confused and I fear in the wrong country. Here, in America, the 1st amendment does not just protect the speech you happen to agree with.

    PS I love the way you talk about the state letting students have free speech. Nice of state government to allow something the constitution guaranteed over two centuries ago. You might want to do some research on what happens every time public institution's laws against "hate speech" aka free speech are challenged in the courts to. They go down in flames.

  10. " Kyle Leach said...

    Hiding behind free speech will only buy them time Bob. They know spewing hatred is not something that will be part of the civilized world in the future. They can feel it in their bones. They are doing it while they can, knowing eventually they will be silenced, criticized, ostracized, and forced into seclusion for what they think. I probably won't live to see that day, but it is nice to think about it and know that we are moving toward that end. Darkness wins most battles and causes endless suffering, but in the long run the light of this realm always wins the battles that matter most. As long as we keep that in all of our hearts and believe in our potential over our failings, the darkness of this universe can never truly win."

    Sorry Kyle but the SCOTUS disagrees with you. They have overwhelmingly agreed that almost everything you likely consider "hate speech" is absolutely protected free speech. Go read the unanimous decision in R.A.V v. Saint Paul. Even laws prohibiting the burning of a cross are unconstitutional. Again the decision was UNANIMOUS. The courts are not on your side and likely never will be because of that pesky 1st amendment. Why do you need to "silence" people who disagree with you? If what they say isn't true? Just refute it. Pretty simple really. The only people who need to silence their critics are people with something to hide or people on the wrong side of a debate. Not in my America Pal. I'll even stand up for the right of people like you with absolutely zero knowledge of the constitution or case law to spout ignorant and generally uninformed opinions, as protected by the 1st amendment.

  11. "S'A said...

    The original idea of free speech was so a person could criticize the government and not get executed for it Somehow, I don't think calling people names or saying hateful things was what it was intended for.

    Really, do tell. Please quote the language from the 1st amendment that you feel limits free speech to speech criticizing the government. Good luck. By your absurd interpretation people could be sent to jail for criticizing the industrial portion of the military-industrial complex, or for criticizing the banks who tanked the economy. The lists of targets that would be off limits are endless.

  12. " OpenID truthspew said...

    I love to tell those who say I'll burn in hell that to burn there you have to believe it exists."

    By that anti-logic men never landed on the moon if you don't believe they did and it's made of green cheese because you think so. There are certainly logical arguments against religion but with the example you set here I doubt you'll ever make one.

  13. Gosh Steve, thanks for coming by and posting on a topic that's roughly a year-and-a-half old, but let me say this to you:

    I didn't say Hate Speech isn't Free Speech.

    If you read the graphic, the post is about the COST of Hate Speech. How the words people hurl at others in the name of their god costs someone a little bit of themselves.

    You can say whatever you like, but when it costs someone a bit of their dignity, or they lose a bit of themselves, of, god forbid, after enduring these endless taunts of Free Speech, they go home and put a bullet in their head, then Hate Speech ISN'T free; it costs.

    But again, thanks for the rant, and the rant, and the rant.


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