
Monday, January 30, 2012

The Gay Marriage Question

Carolann McLoughlin, a writer and editor from New Jersey and New York, decided to pose a question for which she, and I, for that matter, have never received an adequate answer:
"What does marriage equality for all citizens of this country/state say about your marriage?"
She still doesn't have an answer because, most of the people who responded were already in favor of equality, and those who are against it, spoke of everything but the question asked. Here are some of the answers she received along with a little response from me:
"The act of homosexuality is an abomination and sin many times over." 
Doesn't answer the question at all. Naturally.
"Why do you feel entitled to enjoy the benefits of marriage when you have proclaimed the basis for this marriage is based on being a homosexual? Why should everyone be forced to confer legitimacy on that which is historically against human nature? You are completely free to live your life as you see fit; but don't try and proclaim that everyone must accept your definition of what normal is. Have a really great day, unless you have made other plans!"
Again, that's an opinion about gay folks, but not an answer to the question at hand.
"May you know no peace in this life."
Ouch. For asking a question? 
"At the end of every speech that an American president makes he says, ‘God Bless the United States of America’.  The law of this land is that God rules here and not the deviants who support homosexuality."
Actually, the country is not run by God's law, so this non-answer is moot.
"A pox on you and your house!"
And she apparently also heard from a time traveler who flew in from the 1600s. Who says 'pox' any more?
"You and all like you will burn in hell for eternity."
Ah, a lovely Christian sentiment, from someone who missed that part of the Bible about judging folks.
Carolann McLoughlin noted that aside "from nasty comments and quotes from the Bible, no one ever answered the question" though supporters of separation of church and state and/or marriage equality were able to form a coherent thought and respond to the actual question at hand:
"As far as I can determine, no one has ever come up with a valid reason to oppose same sex marriage. First, all religious arguments are invalid. We have separation of church & state, so what the bible or any other religious document says must not be considered. Religious institutions can make any rules they want for their members, but they cannot affect others, so no one should even bring them up.Second, whatever anyone else, gay or straight, does in their marriage has no affect whatever on my marriage. Third, the institution of marriage is under attack by many factors, such as divorce, cohabitation etc. Gay marriage is not one of them."
For the record, Carolann McLoughlin is a Christian, and a gay woman, which is why she posed the question in the first place. But, she was a bit taken aback, I assume, as one might be, to hear some of the views expressed by those who call themselves 'Christian':

  • I heard a Catholic bishop say, “Heaven help us if gay marriage is approved.” 
  • I watched the evening news in horror as Christians lined the streets in protest bearing signs and posters that said horrible un-Christian-like things at the funeral of an American soldier who gave his life for his country. The chants include rants that state that this death is God’s punishment for homosexuality.  This act has been repeated on several occasions. 
  • Christian people show up in Trenton to protest the passing of a marriage equality law and many of the accusations shouted at those in favor are cruel and repulsive. Not really ‘Christian behavior’. 
  • I have witnessed or been the recipient of dubious behavior on the part of many Christians who condemn me because of who I am. 

It looks like Carolann McLoughlin never got an answer. At least not from those who don't support marriage equality. And why do you think that is? I mean, if you firmly believe something is wrong, bad for society, ruinous to your own matrimonial union, you'd be able to come up with one coherent reason.
One that doesn't involve telling gay folks to burn in hell.

Carolann McLoughlin 
's full article HERE.


  1. "What does marriage equality for all citizens of this country/state say about your marriage?"

    Absolutely nothing at all.

    And frankly I'm tired of waiting to be run over by a gay truck or blown up by a gay rocket or dropped from a gay helicopter. This waiting around to be destroyed is boring and I'm sick of it.

  2. She can't be FROM New York AND New Jersey, all the she could work in both. I suspect she is from New Jersey, hence the stupid answers.

    Frankly, I think marriage in general is highly overrated- just ask the half of the American adult population that is divorced!

    And, the divorced among those who formerly considered themselves "Christians" may find themselves in for quite a shock when St. Peter turns them away for being adulterers. You see, Jeebus says that divorce and adultery are one in the same!

    It's a good think I don't believe in hell- it's gonna be awfully crowded down there!

  3. There really is no valid argument against marriage equality and that is why those opposed only play the "fear" card. We will get there, it is just a matter of time. But as MLK jr. said, "A right delayed is a right denied."

  4. The answer to the question. No effect whatsoever.

    That's why both you and McLoughlin never get anything but bovine effluent from the so called Christians.

    Those so called Christians really don't have anything new to sell on the topic and they're finding themselves increasingly laughed out of courts of law.

  5. Interesting piece, I have to read it again

  6. Great post. The only answer is equality. Equality in the eyes of the Tax Man ... not the Eyes of the Lord. It's worth fighting for and it WILL happen.

  7. I think it's interesting to watch the evolution of the discussion of rights. I'm proud of the progress made, but honestly I do wish it was moving faster. For those whose lives are literally in the balance though, change can't come soon enough.


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