
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Show Of Hands....Who Donates To NOM? One......Two......Bueller? Anyone?

NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, which works tirelessly and overtime, to prevent equality from becoming the law of the land in this country, also spends an inordinate amount of time and energy telling everyone how many supporters they have, and followers and goosetseppers.
I think they're overcompensating.
And now, it seems, there is proof that they are nothing but a handful of bigots and homophobes with loud mouths, and a couple of deep pockets.
Back in 2010, NOM reported with great flourish that they'd had the highest individual donations it has received since its inception in 2007, and they strutted like peacocks and brayed like asses, that the people of America are on the side of NOM because they give their money to NOM.
Well, not exactly.
See, according to NOM’s own, most recent, income disclosures to the Internal Revenue Service, there are just two individuals who have contributed more than $6 million to the organization’s political arm. Two people. Two; who account for roughly 66% of NOM’s 2010 bigot revenue, while single donations below $5,000 covered only 8% of revenue.
Think about that the next time you hear NOM's Brian Brown and Maggie Gallagher crow about how many NOM'er's there are, and how powerful they are, and how much they hate The Gays and equality.
It isn't NOM. It's just two people.
Now that's rich!
Go HERE to read all about NOM, and it's lies, and it's battle to keep it's list of donors, especially the Big Two, from being made public. See, keeping their names out of the limelight is exactly the same thing as setting a cross on fire of a Black family's lawn, while wearing a wearing hood.


  1. Courage Campaign founder and "President Rick Jacobs told TAI that the Courage Campaign and HRC trailed NOM on its summer 2010 “One Man, One Woman” bus tour across the eastern United States to protest same-sex marriage, and he said that many times the counter-protesters outnumbered NOM’s protesters.

    “Most of the time they actually just had one man and one woman show up,” Jacobs said."


  2. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Great post! Your analogy at the end is spot on!


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