
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Out Gay Man Jase Daniels Has Been Reinstated To Active Military Duty

Jase Daniels joined the military five months before the 9/11 attacks and served his first tour of duty with the Ceremonial Guard in Washington, D.C., where he represented this country at official White House ceremonies and during state and military funerals at Arlington National Cemetery.  
In fact, it was from his post at Arlington that he watched the Pentagon burn September 11. 2001, an experience that reinforced his desire to serve.
He completed Hebrew linguist training and was stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia, where he came to terms with his sexual orientation. In "[keeping] the Navy’s core values of honesty and integrity--and very much naive to the severity of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’--I provided my commander with a written statement, which resulted in the start of discharge proceedings.”
Jase Daniels was discharged for being gay in 2005.But in 2006 he actually received a letter recalling him to service. He served in Kuwait for a year with the U.S. Navy Customs Battalion Romeo.  
In 2006, Jase Daniels was discharged again under DADT.
But this past Monday, Jase Daniels was reinstated in the U.S. Navy and will return to active duty as a linguist: “Today, I took an oath and affirmed to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I am humbled as I am reinstated to the job I love and by the enormous support I have received on this momentous day. I look forward to returning to the Defense Language Institute and ultimately, my career in the military.”
We have all kinds of politicians running for president who say they would reinstate DADT if elected, thereby taking the opportunity to remove Jase Daniels again from serving his country. These candidates seem to think Jase Daniels, and men and women like him, do not belong in the military, no matter their training, talents, or desire to serve.
And yet Jase Daniels enlisted on his own. He served with honor. He came out as a gay man with integrity, and was discharged. Then he was called back to duty, and didn't say No; he went back, served again, and was once again punished by the U.S. military for being gay.
And yet he still wanted to serve, and as soon as DADT was over, he was reinstated.
Let's not let Jase Daniels, or any other gay man or woman, feel the sting of being drummed out of the military for being gay ever again. Don't vote for any politician who advocates discrimination.

Who better to serve this country? Jase Daniels, or Rick Perry?



  1. Very bestest of wishes to him!

  2. Yes beat wishes froggy that a republican doesn't get back in office and kick him out again.
    Fucking crazy the back and forth.
    Bob. Do you think they could reinstate DADT though? Any numbers on how many people have openly come out?


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