
Friday, December 16, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Joe Solmonese, HRC head, on the recent news that the vast majority of NOM's millions come from a handful of wealthy anonymous donors:
"This is extremely unusual--that practically the entire budget of a $9 million national organization is funded by five mysterious individuals or entities. We can only conclude that NOM’s claim to being a grassroots organization representing thousands is phony. Tax returns don’t lie. NOM speaks for a few wealthy anti-LGBT donors and does not speak for the majority of Americans who support marriage equality."

It is rather funny, when NOM lays claims to their millions of supporters, and boasts about how they represent middle America, when, in fact, they represent a handful of people with large wallets.

George Takei, on the 'Twilight' films:
"Gone is any sense of heroism, camaraderie, or epic battle. In its place we have vampires that sparkle, moan and go to high school. Now, I'm not above mixing in a little sex appeal to spice up the fantasy, but sci-fi fans be warned, there are no great stories, characters or profound life lessons to be found in 'Twilight'... In 'Twilight,' the only message that rings through loud and clear is: 'Does my boyfriend like me?'"

I'm with George.
I like my vampires sexy and brooding and dangerous.
Not pouty and sparkly.
Not morose and hangdog.
Teen angst does not make for a good vampire story.

Rick Perry, on Solynda, which is, um, not a country, but a recently bankrupt solar power company:
"I'm for pulling all of those tax credits, or subsidies or however you refer to them out of the energy industry. No greater example of it than this administration sending millions of dollars into the solar industry, and we lost that money. I want to say it was over $500 million that went to the country Solynda."

He can't debate. He can't remember three things. He bashes and bullies LGBT people. He doesn't know the names of Supreme Court Justices--though rumor has it he can name all of The Supremes--and he can't tell the difference between a country and a business.

Louis C.K., on Tracey Morgan's homophobic comedy routine:
“I think the opportunity that was lost was for the gay community to ask Tracy, ‘why did you say that’ and ‘what was your dad like’ and ‘what is being a man mean to you,’ you know what I mean? It could have been a starting point of a conversation that might have actually made a difference in how people feel about homophobia.”

I kind of agree.
Whenever someone says something homophobic, we tend to snap, and demand firings and penalties and punishments.
Why not ask Why that was said.
Why not ask Why they think that way.
That's starts a dialogue which might end with enlightenment and education.

Meryl Streep, on what she hopes people learn from her role as Margaret Thatcher in 'The Iron Lady': 
"I would like to think that everybody that got on a subway and saw some old lady sitting across from them, that they would imagine that a whole huge life lay behind all those wrinkles, and that seemingly nondescript, forgettable [face]. I mean, there is almost nothing less interesting in our consumerist society than an old lady. Um ... dismissed. We don’t make movies for her. We don’t give a damn. You can’t sell her anything, she doesn’t buy anything. But just the idea that everything--the whole panoply of human experience, births, deaths, struggles, joy--everything’s in there. And just to imagine that. That’s what I would hope."

Far too often we forget our senior citizens.
And yet, without their struggles and their battles we might not be here today.
If we forget the past, and those who lived and breathed it, we'll never really learn anything, and we'll never really move forward.

Adele, on the success of 21 and her newfound fame:
"Everyone's has their heart broken, innit? And it hurts...And maybe I'm accessible. People always say to me, 'You remind me of my mum,' or 'You remind me of my sister,' as opposed to 'I wish I was you!'"

Oh, I wouldn't want to be Adele.
I simply want to sit back and listen to that Voice.
And hear those Words.

Hulk Hogan, on ex-wife Linda's claim that he has had a long-term homosexual affair with fellow boxer, Brutus Beefcake:
"After the four-year crazy divorce I thought I'd heard everything I could hear in the courtroom. Then, all of a sudden she says I abused her, that I was violent. She told everybody that I was a homosexual...If any of that was true, I would admit it, and (if) I was a homosexual I would embrace it. It's just so crazy to hear, so I have a real problem with it... If you're going to say I'm something that I'm not to try to ruin my career and my livelihood... I have to answer her back. It's so ridiculous. I don't mean to laugh about it, because it's not funny. But it's insane. It doesn't make any sense to me."

Methinks he doth protest too much.
Now, that doesn't mean that i think Hogan is gay--though, wrestling? Really? In bikini briefs? Sounds kinda stereotypically gay.
What bothers me is his rush to say he isn't gay while also saying if he was gay he'd embrace it. If he is so open and accepting of being gay, and being gay wouldn't be a problem for him why would the idea that a batty ex-wife called him gay bother him so?

Bob Garon, the gay veteran who asked GOP presidential candidate Mittsy Romney about marriage equality:
“I was undecided. But I’m totally convinced today that he’s not going to be my president, at least in my book. At least Obama will entertain the idea. This man is ‘no way, Jose.’ Well, take that ‘no way, Jose’ back to Massachusetts. Because I’m gay, alright? And I happen to love a man just like you probably love your wife. Alright? And I think that he or she or whatever are entitled to the same rights that I have....I fought for my country, I did my thing, and I think that my spouse should be entitled to the same entitlements as if I was married to a woman. What the hell is the difference? I was definitely offended. He doesn’t even open the door to a conversation. It’s just a boom! But I did ask him ‘yes or no,’ so I got what I asked for."

It is funny, that for a man who flip-flops so much, depending what he's running for, and where he's running for it, that Mittsy isn't the least bit open to change.
But, give him another four years and I imagine we'll see a whole new Mittsy trying to be president again.

David Axelrod, chief strategist for President Obama, on the increased scrutiny Newt Gingrich will face now that he's the frontrunner:
"I told my colleagues yesterday a bit of homespun wisdom that I got from an alderman in Chicago some years ago when one of his colleagues wanted to run for higher office and he was really dubious. He said, 'Just remember the higher a monkey climbs on a pole, the more you can see his butt.' So, you know, the Speaker is very high on the pole right now and we'll see how people like the view."

Oh dear.
Newt Gingrich's ass?
This will not be good.

Gene Robinson, gay Episcopal Bishop, on Rick Perry's homophobic ad:
"It is breathtaking (and not in a good way) when someone who aspires to be the Commander in Chief denigrates the soldiers he means to command. Just like all the other soldiers in our military, our gay and lesbian soldiers are dodging bullets and IED’s to preserve our rights as Americans. The right of all Americans to represent their country in our military is now the law of the land, a law that Gov. Perry apparently disagrees with and presumably would work to change if elected president.
The blood of gay and lesbian soldiers flows as readily and as readily as that of other young Americans fighting in Afghanistan, yet Gov. Perry feels free to use them as political cannon fodder for his campaign. In an attempt to garner conservative Christian votes, he would stigmatize these brave young men and women who are, as we speak, risking their lives on our behalf. If this is patriotism, count me out!"



  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I don't want to see Newt's ass. I can barely handle looking at mine in the mirror.

  2. 100% agree with Gene Robinson.

  3. Another fantastic Friday post! You do a great job with these. I'm on board with Louis C.K.'s idea!

  4. I love Adele and have said she is alittle overplayed but I sense more is going on personally than we all know.
    Just for the record.
    Meryl Streep is most likely beating my odds on and personally favorite Viola Davis.

    Hulk is a frequent guest on Howard Stern and he is the biggest pussy ever. I dont believe the wife either. LET IT GO HULK

  5. I think the total shutdown of the subject by Mittens, and the fact that Bob Garon saw the true man in his eyes speaks volumes.


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