
Friday, December 09, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Dan Savage, on the video of a young boy telling Michele Bachmann, "My mommy is gay and she doesn't need to be fixed:
"As a gay parent I'm really not comfortable with this. Even if that eight-year-old kid wanted to do it, even if confronting Michele Bachmann was the kid's idea, even if the kid was excited about being in a YouTube video, this just isn't cool. The enemies of LGBT equality use small children as props in their misleading commercials and at their hate rallies all the time. It's a credit to our side that this sort of thing—a gay parent pushing a child into the face of a hater like Bachmann—is so rare that this video shocks the conscience."

I tend to agree with Dan on this one, even though i posted the video.
But, more shocking than whether or not Elijah's parents coerced him into saying what he said, was Bachmann's reaction upon hearing it.
If you ever needed to see a so-called 'christian' acting less than Christ-like, that's it.

Gary Johnson, former New Mexico governor and barely mentioned GOP candidate for president, coming out for marriage equality:
"As a believer in individual freedom and keeping government out of personal lives, I simply cannot find a legitimate justification for federal laws, such as the Defense of Marriage Act, which ‘define’ marriage. That definition should be left to religions and individuals – not government. Government’s role when it comes to marriage is one of granting benefits and rights to couples who choose to enter into a marriage ‘contract’. As I have examined this issue, consulted with folks on all sides, and viewed it through the lens of individual freedom and equal rights, it has become clear to me that denying those rights and benefits to gay couples is discrimination, plain and simple....Today, I believe we have arrived at a point in history where more and more Americans are viewing it as a question of liberty and freedom. That evolution is important, and the time has come for us to align our marriage laws with the notion that every individual should be treated equally.”

It's a shame that he gets virtually no press, because he proves that not all Republicans are narrow-mined gasbags.
Most. Not all.

Damiano TommasiItalian Players Union president tells footballers to stay in the closet:
“It’s to be discouraged. The fact of being identified or singled out as ‘the one who is’, regardless of your profession, whether journalist, footballer or politician, I don’t think it would be an advisable path to take. Homosexuality is still a taboo in football in the sense that there is a different kind of cohabitation to other professions. Expressing your personal sexuality is difficult in every professional environment and even more so for a footballer who shares a changing room with his team-mates, and hence also his intimacy with others. In our world it could cause embarrassment."

Lying and hiding is never good in any profession.
Lying and hiding means you're ashamed of something, and being gay is nothing to be ashamed of.

Jim Davis, Republican senator from North Carolina, joining other state Republicans in dialing back their support of a proposed same-sex marriage ban amendment:
"I have a lot of libertarian in me. I believe firmly, passionately that a marriage should be defined as being between one man and one woman. But I also believe with all my heart that in a free America people who choose to live a different lifestyle should have a legal right to do so. Just don’t call it marriage. [This amendment will] restrict their freedoms a little beyond my comfort zone."

Nice to hear, though I completely, utterly, 100% disagree with his call for describing same-sex marriages as something other than marriage.
That's less than, it's different, it's separate but equal.
And it doesn't work.

Rick Perry, pandering to former Herman Cain supporters:
"I believe America’s best days are ahead of us if we return to our constitutional roots. I believe this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values. But you don’t have to go to church every Sunday to know something is wrong in America where gays can openly serve in the military but our children can’t pray in school. If we are truly going to change Washington, it will take a real outsider. I will be a president who is not afraid to step on some toes to give the American people the true change they desire after three years of damage done by the Obama Administration. I ask for your support, and I ask for your help in making Washington less consequential in our lives."

You can believe what ever you want, you delusional moron, but this country was not founded on religion.
Um, if it was meant to be a completely totally Judeo-Christian country, we would have shut our borders a long time ago to anyone who does not share our faith.
Try running for dogcatcher, it's still out of your realm of talents, but you have a better shot at it.

Maureen Dowd, on Newt Gingrich:
"Newt Gingrich's mind is in love with itself. It has persuaded itself that it is brilliant when it is merely promiscuous. This is not a serious mind. Gingrich is not, to put it mildly, a systematic thinker. His mind is a jumble, an amateurish mess lacking impulse control. He plays air guitar with ideas, producing air ideas. He ejaculates concepts, notions and theories that are as inconsistent as his behavior. He didn’t get whiplash being a serial adulterer while impeaching another serial adulterer, a lobbyist for Freddie Mac while attacking Freddie Mac, a self-professed fiscal conservative with a whopping Tiffany’s credit line, and an anti-Communist Army brat who supported the Vietnam War but dodged it."


Richard Branson, Virgin CEO, on the bill pending in Nigeria that would imprison gay people and those who support them: 
"Too sad to comprehend that Nigeria are passing a law in this day and age to put gay people in prison just for being gay. The Prohibition of Same-Sex Marriage Bill passed through Nigeria’s Senate unopposed last week. It means gay couples entering into either marriage or cohabitation will be jailed for up to 14 years. Even people "witnessing" or "abetting" gay relationships could be punished under this sad, repressive and cruel law. Like everyone else in society, gay people have an enormous amount to offer and Nigeria should embrace them not prosecute them. All of us with influence in Nigeria must do what we can to stop this cruel law. I would urge educated Nigerians all over the world to do what they can to help fight this discrimination."

You have to stand up for equality, because, if you don't,. one day, they might come for you.

Kristin Chenowethon gay adoption:
“I have so many gay friends who’ve adopted kids. I think the worry is that their kids will be gay too. And if they’re gay, so what? That fear just shows the ignorance of the overall view of homosexuality and adoption. I swear, if I had two dads or two moms when I was growing up, I’d still be the same person. Probably still not being able to commit!”

As the gay son of two straight parents, I always giggle when people say gay parents will make they're children gay.
It don't work like that, y'all.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Straight people make gay babies.

    Richard Branson is another reason why I signed up for Virgin Mobile. He's right on a lot of issues.

  2. We loves our very own Dan Savage.

    I was really shocked by Rick Perry's video. I looked and it has about 10k likes *but* over 400k dislikes.

  3. Me too, Froggy. There's hope yet!

    Love Maureen Dowd. LOVE. She is simply on of the most articulate people on the planet.

    And don't suggest Rick Perry for dogcatcher! (though I laughed) I'm afraid of what he might do when he sees my female dogs humping each other!

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Another great Friday read! Your blog is FANTASTIC! Thanks!

  5. I kind of cringed when watching the kid whisper the question. He clearly was used as a pawn. It was heart sickening. Come on we can do better than that. I'm so glad someone said something I was beginning to think something was wrong with me for not liking or loving the video. I'm sure that video clip will be turned in to some type of ad for MB proclaiming we gays are reckless parents.


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