
Friday, December 02, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Rick Perry, going all oopsy again:
"Those of you that will be 21 by Nov. 12th, I ask for your support and your vote. Those of you who won't be -- just work hard -- because you are going to inherit this and you're counting on us to get this right. The idea that you're looking at a $15-trillion debt, that you're looking at entitlement programs that will not be there for you if we continue on this path, is not fair to you and it’s not right."

Um, three things here Ricky:
Number 1, the legal age to vote in America is 18, not 21.
Number 2, the election will be on November 6, not November 12,
Number 3....What was that, 21 and 12, and, well, what';s number three, I can't seem to rememb--
Oh yeah
Number 3, you'll never be president.

Mitt Romney, on gay marriage and gay rights:
"The story on same-sex marriage is that I have the same position on that, that I had from the very beginning. I’m in favor of traditional marriage, I oppose same-sex marriage. At the same time, I don’t believe in discriminating in employment or opportunity for gay individuals. So I favor gay rights, I do not favor same-sex marriage. That has been my position all along."

Talk about the ultimate flip-flop.
He's all for gay rights except that one.
Yeah, that works Mittsy.
It's like being all for Civil Rights back in the sixties, except for that whole shared drinking fountain thing.

Michelangelo Signorile, on Mitt Romney's pandering
"He's done a stunning public turnaround on LGBT issues--as with many other issues--from claiming he was better than Ted Kennedy on gays and supporting partner rights back in the 90s (when he unsuccessfully challenged Kennedy in a Senate race) to signing a pledge written by the National Organization for Marriage this year 'to appoint federal judges who don't see a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.' But no matter how much Romney joins in the bullying of gays, he continues to get bullied himself by the same gang of thugs for being a Mormon."

Will the real Mittsy Romney please stand up?
Pro-life Mittsy or Pro-choice Mittsy?
Health care Mittsy? or repeal Obamacare Mittsy?
Gay rights Mittsy? Or homophobic bigot Mittsy?

Newt Gingrich, campaigning in South Carolina:
"There needs to be a solid conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, and I'm the one candidate that can bring together a national security conservative, and economic conservative, and social conservative, to make sure we have a conservative nominee...I wouldn't lie to the American people, I wouldn't switch my position for political reason. It's perfectly reasonable to change positions if you see new things you didn't see. Everybody does that, Ronald Reagan did that. If you go around and adopt radically different positions based on need for any one election, people will ask, 'What will you tell me next time?'"

He wouldn't lie to the American people, you know, like he lied to wives 1 and 2 when he was fucking around on them.
Talk about pandering.
he wouldn't switch his political position like he switched his religious position to Catholic so he could have his first two marriages annulled when he married his mistress.
Sorry, Newt, you're a cheat and a liar, not a president.

Barney Frank, on debating Newt "Serial Adulterer" Gingrich on the repeal of DOMA:
"I did not think I had lived a good enough life to be rewarded by Newt Gingrich being the Republican nominee. It still is unlikely, but I have hopes. Let me say, for example, I intend to continue to be an advocate of public policy. I look forward to debating, to take one important example, the Defense of Marriage Act with Mr. Gingrich. I think he is an ideal opponent for us, when we talk about just who it is, is threatening the sanctity of marriage."

Can you just imagine Newt Gingrich, of all people, defending DOMA, when he is the antithesis of the sanctity of marriage.
You can't write this stuff!

Newt Gingrich, [again] calling on Obama to 'repudiate' OWS:
"I repudiate, and I call on the President to repudiate, the concept of the 99 and the 1. It is un-American, it is divisive, it is historically false…You are not going to get job creation when you engage in class warfare because you have to attack the very people you hope will create jobs."

This coming from the $1.6 million dollar lobbyist.
This coming from the 1%.
Newt, seriously, just stop, before you become more of a laughingstock.

Daniel Craig, on famewhoring in general and the Kardashians in particular:
“I think there’s a lot to be said for keeping your own counsel. It’s not about being afraid to be public with your emotions or about who you are and what you stand for. But if you sell it off it’s gone. You can’t buy it back – you can’t buy your privacy back. ‘Ooh I want to be alone.’ F–k you. We’ve been in your living room. We were at your birth. You filmed it for us and showed us the placenta and now you want some privacy?....Look at the Kardashians, they’re worth millions. I don’t think they were that badly off to begin with but now look at them. You see that and you think ‘what, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f–king idiot on television and then you’ll pay me millions.’ I’m not judging it – well, I am obviously.”

Well played, Mister Craig. Well played.

Guy Ritchie, on being married to Madonna: 
“I enjoyed my first marriage. It’s definitely not something I regret. The experience was ultimately very positive. I love the kids that came out of it, and I could see no other route to take. But you move on, don’t you? You’re right, I stepped into a soap opera, and I lived in it for quite a long period of my life. I’ll probably be more eloquent on it 10 years from now. When you end up with a lot of the things you set out to chase and find that you’ve stumbled into all sorts of hollow victories, then you become deeply philosophical. I’m quite happy that that experience was accelerated for me. I’m glad I made money, in other words. And I’m glad I got married.”

He made mad money in that marriage.
Or, is it Madge money?

This one is a little different, a series of quotes from Michele Bachmann on LGBT rights and marriage equality:
Jane Schmidt: 
"One of my main concerns is government support for the LGBT community. So my question is what would you do to protect GSAs in high school and support the LGBT community."
Michele Bachmann: 

"Well, No. 1, all of us as Americans have the same rights. The same civil rights. And so that’s really what government’s role is, to protect our civil rights. There shouldn’t be any special rights or special set of criteria based upon people’s preferences. We all have the same civil rights."
Jane Schmidt: 

"Then, why can’t same-sex couples get married?"
Michele Bachmann: 

"They can get married, but they abide by the same law as everyone else. They can marry a man if they’re a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they’re a man."
Jane Schmidt: 

"Why can’t a man marry a man?"
Michele Bachmann: 

"Because that’s not the law of the land."
Jane Schmidt:

"So heterosexual couples have a privilege."
Michele Bachmann: 

"No, they have the same opportunity under the law. There is no right to same-sex marriage."
Jane Schmidt

"So you won’t support the LGBT community?"
Michele Bachmann: 
"No, I said that there are no special rights for people based upon your sex practices. There’s no special rights based upon what you do in your sex life. You’re an American citizen first and foremost and that’s it."

Michele Bachmann. A gay man, if he wants to get married, can marry a woman.
Is she, um, speaking firsthand?


  1. Nice one re: Michele Bachman marrying a gay man. I am starting to believe that she is a sociopath.

    I am not a big Madonna fan, but what a passive aggressive dig that Guy Ritchie comment was! Seriously, what a jerk!

  2. "Michele Bachmann. A gay man, if he wants to get married, can marry a woman.
    Is she, um, speaking firsthand?"

    Duh! ;)

    Also, kudos to Daniel Craig!

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I don't care what team he plays for. I love Daniel Craig!

  4. Our Tar has many nicknames 'Doofus, Stoner, Duuuude' and Daughter has decided that Rick Perry is the Tar of politicians.

  5. Excellent post of Daniel Craig, those eyes.
    Where was I?
    Oh. I just love this GOP field more and more every week.

  6. Finally!!!... Michele has outed herself as a beard! You go gurl...

  7. I get dizzy trying to follow Michelle Beardmann's train of thought.

  8. Anonymous4:59 PM



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