
Friday, December 23, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Amber Heard, out actress, saying gay celebrities need to come out:
“You can’t respect yourself if you’re afraid to be who you are. It requires bravery to do something no one else around you is doing. But the risk was outweighed by the possibility of playing into this horribly detrimental lie that some in Hollywood perpetuate.”

And not just Hollywood. The world, too.
If every gay person came out, to everyone, everywhere, think of the difference it would make. 
Everyone would have a gay family member, gay friend, gay neighbor, and then all this intolerance and bigotry and homophobia would be less hard for them to justify.
Plus, it's just better being yourself.

Newt Gingrich, on gay being a 'choice':
"I don’t believe in genetic determinism and I don’t think there is any great evidence of genetic determinism. There are propensities. Are you more likely to do this or more likely to do that? But that doesn’t mean it’s definitional. Look, people choose to be celibate. People choose many things in life. You know, there is a bias in favor of non-celibacy. It’s part of how the species recreates. And yet there is a substantial amount of people who choose celibacy as a religious vocation or for other reasons."

Hmmm, I wonder though, if Newt isn't genetically predetermined to be a lying, cheating, money-grubbing adulterer with the moral compass of a.....a......Newt Gingrich.
Celibacy, Newt, which is something you know nothing about because you've stuck little Newt everywhere you could, is not a sexual orientation, so it can be a choice.
When did you choose heterosexuality, Newt? Since sexuality is a choice....when did you choose to be straight? Was it when all the hot gay guys told you to fuck off?

Mittsy Romney. not being anti-gay:
"I do not believe in discriminating against people based on sexual orientation. There are some people who do. I had a member of my administration, my Cabinet, who was gay. I didn't ask justices that I was looking to appoint, rather people who are applicants for the job, what their sexual orientation was. I believe as a Republican, I had the potential to fight for anti-discrimination in a way that would be better than Sen. Kennedy, the Democrat who was expected to do so. At the same 1994, and throughout my career, I said I oppose same-sex marriage. Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman. My view is...protect the sanctity of marriage, protect the sanctity of life."

He doesn't discriminate.
He just denies gay people the opportunity to be equal because we're gay.

Michele Bachmann, on how she'll get rid of the federal judiciary:
"I hold a biblical view of law. If you look at the original constitution and the founding documents of our country, it was clear that the founders wanted to separate power, they wanted to separate the presidency from the Supreme Court and from the Congress, because they thought that the Congress should be the most powerful of all the people’s voices because the people would have the ability to change out the members of the House every two years, originally the state legislatures would chose the Senators and they would have the state’s interest in mind, and the President was meant to execute the laws that Congress would put into place. The courts had a relatively minor function, it was to take current facts and apply it to the law that Congress had passed. So it was really a beautiful system that set up but it’s been distorted since then, and that’s what we need to do, get back to the original view of the Founders because it worked beautifully."

First off, wingnut, your Bible has no place in our laws.
Separation of church and state ring a bell in that empty melon you call a head?
And, um, its' three equal branches of government you dipwad.
The Congress, just because the asshats in your district were fool enough to elect you to it, does not run the country.
Get an education,
And then shut up.

Marcus "Ladybird" Bachmann, on what his agenda might be should his wife be elected President: 
“I’ve decided my cause is not going to be happy meals....We are going to be the message-givers....We are going to get this message across. Marriage is between one man and one woman. We are going to promote families.”

First off, you fat flamer, lay off Michele Obama, m'kay.
Second off, you closeted, self-loathing homo, you will never be First Lady.
Third off, your own marriage is between one woman and one glitter-bombing-Liza-loving-boa-wearing-disco-dancing-man-loving-closeted gay man.
Give that a litt;e hand jive, Marcie.

Rosie O'Donnell, on Rick Perry's "Strong" ad: 
"Watching someone who is going to run for president saying that gays are not equal blows my mind in 2011. That this man who considers himself a man of God, that he feels he has the right to say this, and that it will help him get elected -- it's shocking to me, shocking."

It is sickening to hear a man openly say that, if elected....and I giggle because he has no chance of that.....he would revert to LGBT discrimination, even when the majority of the country is going the other way.
Plus, haven't you heard, he's queer, dear.

Carl Siciliano, Executive Director of the Ali Forney Center, on LGBT homeless youth:
"Is there a more terrible expression of homophobia in our times than tens of thousands of teens being cast out of their homes and made homeless in our streets? How horrible it is that kids are made to experience such brutal abuse, just for being who they are? I believe that these youths are, without ever intending to be, unsung heroes of the LGBT movement. They are heroic because of the terrible price they pay for their honesty."

How anyone can throw their own child out of their home for being gay is beyond me.
Home was always a place of unconditional love for me, and to think that just saying the words "I'm gay" could get you kicked out......
It isn't just school kids bullying LGBT youth, sometimes it's their own families.

Rick Santorum, on why any gay person would vote for him:
"Well, look, I have nothing against gay people. They have rights of every other citizen. But what they did in Iowa and what some are trying to do, not all gays, but some are trying to do is change the laws of this country with respect to what the definition of marriage is. But if there are differences, I’m certainly going to speak out on those differences when I think it’s in the best interests of our country to have laws that reflect having men and women raise children and form solid marriage bonds."

I have nothing against gay people, but it's the same thing as fucking dogs.
That's Rick Santorum.
And what Rick Santorum doesn';t remember, because he has the IQ of a pencil, is that, oh, back int eh 1960s, the definition of marriage was changed to allow for interracial marriages.
But, then he 's probably against those two.
Frothy Mix.


  1. I couldn't have said any of this better myself!

  2. "You know, there is a bias in favor of non-celibacy..." Newt, Newt, Newt, how about monogamy?

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Another great Friday post!

  4. Oh how I have missed these posts Bob!The haters are still serving up the same dish; after all, it is the only one they really have.

    Your response to Ladybird Bachmann...priceless. Giggle. :)


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