
Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Ain't One To Gossip, But.....

Y'all might remember that back in August, Matthew Fox got freakin' drunk in Cleveland, and thought he might hitch a ride on a private party bus. Allegedly. Unfortunately for Matt, the party bus driver, one Heather Bormann, tried to stop him because, well, it was a private bus, rented out for a specific group of customers.
That's went things ALLEGEDLY turned ugly.
Bormann claims that as she attempting to get Matthew Fox off of her bus, he began punching her in the stomach, the legs, the boobs and, um, yeah, the vagina. Now, Heather wasn't one just to sit back and take a vah-jay-jay pummeling, so she fought self-defense. The police were called, stories told, and, Matthew Fox was arrested and formally charged with assault on Bormann.
Now, it gets even more odd.
Matthew Fox is suing his ALLEGED victim because she told the entire world that the former Lost star punched her in the cooch. And he says he never punched her....there. Fox ALLEGES his countersuit that Bormann is a liar, and that she's the one who attacked him.
And Fox is claiming that, due of her allegations, he has lost work because TMZ and other media outlets have reported her lawsuit, and she has subjected him to “public hatred, contempt, ridicule and shame.”
Nope, I think it was the alcohol that did that Matt.
Maybe you oughta sue Jim Beam, or Jack Daniels.

Lohan's week. Court. Sentencing. Playboy. Jail. Leonardo DiCaprio's house.
One of these things did not exactly welcome the cracktress.
After being given a week to finish her "work"--and by work, I mean sharing her ladybits in Playboy--Lindsay decided it was time to celebrate.
After the Hollywood premiere of J.Edgar there was to be a gathering of A-list stars, the cast and Clint Eastwood-supporters and friends, and poor crazy, drug-addled, alcohol-infused Lohan thought this meant her.
When convicted criminal Lindsay Lohan crashed the party for Leonardo DiCaprio’s movie, all the A-list stars instantly became “uncomfortable” because , well, she's Lohan, and a jailbird, and crazy. But Lohan, still drinking the "Hey! I'm famous!" Kool-Aid, insisted she was an invited guest and talked, or pistol-whipped, her way past security at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel party.
A source--and by source, I mean any number of people who looked at her and muttered, 'Who invited the crackhead?'--says, “Lindsay was arguing with the security to let her in, dropping every celebrity’s name to get in. She could be heard saying, ‘I have to go and see Leo.’ Eventually they let her in, but she made everybody uncomfortable. She was aggressive and random, storming around. She tried to get to Leo, but he was surrounded by his security and a posse of his friends. Clint and Leo and Dustin Lance Black were talking, and Lindsay sent one of her aides over, demanding to get a photo with them, but security shooed them away.”
Lohan’s rep--and that means Dina--says, “She did not crash, she was invited by a guest who attended the event."
No doubt a cater-waiter with a stolen prescription med pad.

File this under Ashton Kutcher Is A Fame-Addled Douchenozzle
Like we didn't already know that. But, like his inability to keep his pants zipped when they're are horny blondes and hot tubs around, Ashton has a hard time keeping his lips zipped about things he does not understand.
See, when all this child raping, Penn State scandal broke, Ashton took to Twitter--because he's addicted to it--to actually defend Joe Paterno. But then, the many moronic minions who followed him suddenly turned on him and fully explained why Paterno was being fired and Ashton deleted all his pro-Paterno Tweets.
And now he has apparently decided that he needs to protect his image and will filter his inane Twit-Ramblings through a series of managers and agents who have more than one collective brain cell before he releases any more Tweets, saying:
"Up until today I have posted virtually every one of my tweets on my own, but clearly the platform has become to big to be managed by a single individual. When I started using twitter it was a communication platform that people could say what they are thinking in real time and if their facts where wrong the community would quickly and helpfully reframe an opinion. It was a conversation, a community driven education tool, and opinion center that encouraged healthy debate. It seems that today that twitter has grown into a mass publishing platform, where ones tweets quickly become news that is broadcasted [sic] around the world and misinformation becomes volatile fodder for critics."
Um Ashton, you cheating loser? The misinformation was of your own doing. Maybe you should stop ALLEGEDLY schtupping starlets, stop wheeling Grandma Demi down the red carper, and stop Tweeting until you've actually read a newspaper story.
That is, assuming you know how to read.

Well, after having another TV show cancelled out from under her, and realizing that no TV network would hire her because she's a clod-hopping-fame-whoring-yahoo, Kate Gosselin went and got herself one of those "mediocre" jobs like her ex-husband.
Yup, I-H8-K8 took a "regular" job as a coupon blogger for a company called Coupon Cabin. No doubt they hired the media-slut because they could use the publicity; I mean, has anyone heard of Coupon Cabin until just now?
And, in keeping with whoring herself out, and having others whore her out, the company released a videoworks there. In that just-released video clip, Gosselin is shown settling in with the crew by brainstorming money-saving ideas for her first blog post.
Kate Gosselin? Brain? Brainstorming? That's high-larious!
But what's even funnier is the Tweet K8 sent out to her Twitter follower: “Another day, another city! I love my job! Coupons and saving excite me!! Yay!!!”
Ya! Now, if they just just stop posting videos of her and she can quietly do her job and never be heard from again....I laugh, because once a child-pimping,camera-hogging-clod-hopping-fame-whore, always a child-pimping,camera-hogging-clod-hopping-fame-whore.


  1. I always knew that Ashton Kutcher was just some pretty-boy idiot who fell into a tub of butter. And now we have proof! ;)

  2. I'm noticing more coupon craziness at the store. You take to watching for multiple items in people's carts and then avoid that line.

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I'm with Froggy on this one. I always try to buy less than 15 items at the store so I don't get caught in "that" line. The one with the woman with the overflowing cart full of crap, coupons or WIC vouchers in hand.

  4. The scuttlebutt here in Cleveland is that Mr. Fox drank several watering holes dry during his brief, yet eventful stay here. Also, an eyewitness ( I cannot reveal my sources. Okay, it was a homeless guy down by West 6th) told me that Matthew barely brushed her boobie, even though her fupa stuck out WAY farther than her ba-zooms.

  5. I thought the new plan for Gossebitch was to pimp her children out for money (hence the nickname child-pimping, camera-hogging etc etc). what happened to that plan?

  6. Kate is evil, plain and simple. If there was any justice in the world she would be exiled back to where she came from (Hell) and her kids returned to their loving father Jon, who by the way is more than welcome to come live with me forever xoxo

  7. I also h8 k8 and wish she'd never been given any attention at all, much less a show. How I wish I'd never heard of her!

    Demi isn't exactly an intellectual welterweight herself.

  8. Whoa! You manged a trifecta of fame whoring, and all in one neat and tidy post! K8, the lohan, and kutcher. I just really wish they would all just go away!

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